All good things come to an end!

Jan 01, 2008 19:50

Well, that's it! We've posted everything there is to post (yes, really - forgive us for getting a bit trigger happy before), and now it's just countdown to reveals. Please take the time to go back through and read things you may have missed or are behind on - and comment!

We're going to leave about a week between now and reveals (Sunday, January 6th) in order to allow all the great stuff posted in the last two weeks to get some attention. I can tell that holidays, etc. have caused some things to get overlooked (your comment counts are down!), so please take this next week to read as much as you can while it's still anon and comment, comment, comment! Feedback makes every one a little bit happier :)

Please, if you're reccing, drop me a link in a comment or an email - I'd like to collect any Daily Snitch recs I can, especially of those stories posted in the latter half of the fest. Srsly, guys - the reason almost none of our stories have been Hot Recced, FYI, is that I haven't seen any recs and got too busy to dig for them. If I can't find your rec via LJ seek, it doesn't exist to me, so please TELL ME if you rec something. And I know a lot of authors keep track of who recs their fic. Tell me. I'm now collating all the recs from the whole fest to send in in waves, but thus far I'm really not finding ANY recs. Those of you who are playing catch up: posting some collective recs would be mucho helpful. And I need THREE recs for each story/art, so it doesn't help that only a few people have been consistently reccing during the fest.

Thank Yous
We had a staggering number of drop-outs this round, so we are particularly thankful to our pinch hitters, whether they had two months, two weeks or ten days to write/draw. Were it not for their willingness to step in, their flexibility and their speediness, the fest may have actually ended up killing the mods.

First, to those who came in early and were wonderful full-fledged participants: crimson_stained, dreamyraynbo, florahart. Then those who came in when Tara and I were crying into our hats, and rescued us both with their speedy writing and willingness to go giftless (though in the end, only one did!): lovely_slyth, dracofiend, blamebrampton and violet_quill. And, finally, thank you to frayach and red_rahl for not only completing your original submission but for each doing an additional pinch hit for us. Every single one of you is amazing, and Tara and I cannot express enough our gratitude to you. And all those who put themselves on standby in case we needed you - we thank you, also!

Also thank you to those participants who were so understanding and flexible when their recipient and/or writer dropped out - it wasn't always easy reassigning things, but all of you made our job much easier.

Thanks also to florahart for doing our afternoon posts while Tara and I languished at our non-LJ friendly work places, and furiosity for covering for Flora on the fly once or twice.

Guessing Game
Instead of an official guessing poll (unless another user would like to put it together?), we welcome you to make guesses as to who wrote what in the comments to this entry, since it can be so much fun.

Round Four
There will be NO SUMMER ROUND of H/D Holidays - last year's was a "pre-DH special round." Same time next year, however, we will be having round four - check back in August for sign-ups! We will be announcing specifics, including dates and a slightly new format/rules this summer.

Tara and I would like to thank everyone for participating, reading, commenting and reccing. This fest would not be what it is without all of you, and it was such a good feeling to see everyone come out again for a round, so soon after the last one The fest was A++ even if it almost killed us in the process :D

Happy H/D Holidays, everyone!

NQ & Tara

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