Title: The tattoo (2)
mijeliRating: PG
Materials Used: photoshop
Warning: top nudity, smoking
Notes: Sort of the follow-up to
The tattoo (1) - but can also stand alone :) I hope you like it!
His tattoo is slowly healing.. is Draco, too?
LJ cut or Link:
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Comments 38
Although there's very little difference between the two, I really like the first one because I like tattoo peek-a-boos you can see/guess what he's trying to heal/hide.
The second could look like a sprained forearm...or maybe tapes on his forearms under his Quidditch vambraces *drool* OMG my brain went on tangent and I can't unsee it: Draco smoking after a grueling match or training!
But anyway, your art is gorgeous lady, I can't wait for #3!
This Draco has both a hardness and a vulnerability that is &hearts. And that's even without the intriguing backstory of the Mark and his efforts to efface it. Can't wait for more. (and psst! I think you could do a fabulous job with the fic that goes with this!)
jkdfjgkldfjgfdjgkldfjlk!!! I love it.
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