it's her again

Jan 20, 2011 04:32

OMG! She's back. This stuff is doodly, as in, VERY VERY doodly. Why yes, doodling H/D makes me happy in many places. Hopefully my happiness makes you happy, too!

Note: I refuse to tag kissing and nuzzling as anything higher than "G". Because it's the most loving thing in the world- right? So, here be kissing and nuzzling.

Title: "Why do you want him?"
Artist: mijeli
Rating: G
Materials Used: photoshop
Notes: IDK, just... angst? Fuck, not even his friends get Harry sometimes. He's learned to live with it.
LJ cut or Link:

Title: "these broken bones won't build a ship"
Artist: mijeli
Rating: G
Materials Used: photoshop
Notes: I slapped a sophisticated title (lyric by I Like Trains) on a kissing picture. The end! ;)
LJ cut or Link:

rated-g, year-2011, artist-mijeli, month-january

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