Title: Little Black Wizard Cloak
doometteRating: er, PG just to be safe?
Word Count: 1205
enchanted_jae +Keywords: vampire, scarlet, smirk,
+Dialogue: My, what big teeth you have"
Summary: One day, on a perfectly innocent delivery, Draco ran into a vampire. Oops.
Beta Acknowledgement: I ran out of time to get a beta, sorry!
The vampire was tall. It stared at Draco with hungry, inhuman eyes, baring its teeth as though daring Draco to step forward, to fight.
There was no way in hell Draco was going to do that.
"Young sir," It hissed, tongue sliding around consonants and fangs like some sort of verbose serpent, "Where are you headed on such a dark and gloomy night?"
"None of your business," Draco snapped back, carefully sliding his wand out of a pocket.
"Oh, but it is. This is my forest you're trespassing in, and I require all interlopers to explain their presence. Otherwise I kill them." A toothy, maliciously bright smirk lit up his pale face, and Draco fought hard to suppress a shudder.
"I'm just delivering some supplies," He said finally, swinging the basket he held in one hand, making the bottles inside clatter as they knocked around.
The vampire tilted its head, and licked a fang thoughtfully. "But who in my humble forest could require supplies?" It asked.
Draco narrowed his eyes. "If it was really your forest, you'd know that there's an old witch living deep in the heart of it, and as self-sufficient as she is, there are some things that she needs delivered."
Before Draco could blink, the vampire had stepped forward, almost too fast to see, and wrapped a long, bony hand around Draco's neck. This time he couldn't suppress the shudder - the fingers felt like they had an extra joint in them, and the glint in the monster's dark eyes were completely alien.
"And if you were really as smart as you think you are," Its voice was soft and smooth, like poisoned honey drizzled over a promise of pain, "You'd know not to tell your business to strangers. Especially not to monsters."
With that cryptic remark, it pulled its hand away, licked a warm trail up Draco's neck and stepped back. Even with fangs and eyes shining in the darkness, it was barely a moment before Draco had lost sight of the creature as it vanished into the gloom.
As Draco raced through the forest on his broom, the trees blending into a dark green blur around him, he couldn't quite shake an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He told himself that it was a lingering sense of disgust from the vampire. He told himself it was anticipation for the mission ahead.
He wiped the spot on his neck that the vampire had licked, and tried to put the unease out of his mind.
He reached the old woman's house not a moment too soon. As he landed in the clearing, he could hear a muffled scream from the cottage. Eyes narrowing, he walked slowly to the front door. Draco lifted a hand to knock on the door, but it swung open at a touch.
After stepping through the door, he halted for a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. Although one sense was dimmed for that time, he hear sounds in the other room. Adjusting his carefully-chosen Muggle clothes, he took a deep breath, and walked through to the other room.
There was the old woman, lounging on the bed.
Well, to be more exact, there was someone - or something - lounging on the bed, pretending to be the old witch.
"Come closer, my dear," She - It - said, "I want to get a good look at you."
"Uh, sure," Draco said, slowly putting his basket of potions on the floor, "But first can you just answer one question?"
"Steamed muffins? No, I'm afraid I have no steamed muffins for you."
"You have dreadful hearing, you know."
"Nonsense, sweetheart, my hearing is perfect."
Draco stared at the smirk for a moment that seemed to go for eternity. Then he stepped closer to the bed.
"My," He said, "What big teeth you have,"
The 'witch' scowled. "Didn't your mother teach you to respect your elders, boy?"
"I'm not a boy," Draco pulled his wand out again, "And you're not a witch."
The vampire leaped off the bed, tearing the old woman's clothes off itself as it went. The wig went next.
"Nicely picked, although it won't save you."
"It won't - what?"
But before Draco had finished his sentence, the creature had stepped closer, running one long nail down the side of his neck. It stopped when it had reached the spot it had licked.
"When most people get Marked by a vampire," It said in that same honeyed voice, soft and dark as sin, "They tend to run far, far away."
"Marked? You didn't Mark me - you just licked me." Draco retorted.
The vampire pulled a mirror from the witch's bedside table, and thrust it at Draco, who took it with numb fingers. Positioning it so he could see his neck, he stared. There was a Mark on his neck all right, the scarlet bruise that only comes from vampires.
"But you didn't - "
"Bite you? You obviously don't know who I am, little delivery boy."
"I know what you are. You're a monster."
The vampire slid its hand around Draco's neck.
"I'm the most monstrous monster of them all," It said, in a triumphant voice, "I am Cedrow the Vampire"
"Oh right," Draco said, "That's who you are. I knew your ugly face seemed familiar."
The vampire tightened its grip, and Draco struggled to breathe.
"You're naughty," It said, leaning in and licking along Draco's jaw, "And soon you're going to be dead."
Just before it could bite down, the window exploded. The vampire arched around Draco, and while some fragments of the glass bit into its body, Draco was protected from the blast.
Harry Potter, shining white knight in a slightly baggy Weird Sisters shirt and jeans, leaped through the remains of the window.
"Let go of him," He said, trying for a booming voice full of authority and achieving a voice that sounded like a twelve year old pretending to be his father, "Or else."
"Or else what?" Asked the vampire, spinning around and clutching Draco even tighter to his body, using him as a human shield.
"Or else this," Harry said, mere moments before Draco kicked backwards, a vicious kick that landed square in the vampire's most private area.
It made a sound that would be appropriate for little girls to make, a high-pitched wail of pain, and Draco pulled away while it was distracted.
"Now?" Harry asked Draco.
"Of course now, you berk," Was the reply.
The two wizards lifted their wands, and began a combination of spells that left the vampire little more than a pile of dust on the floor.
As they walked away from the cottage and towards the brooms left carelessly in the grass, basket of potions swinging once more from Draco's hand, Draco turned and poked the other Auror just under the ribs.
"Didn't I tell you not to wear this shirt today? What kind of secret agent bursts into the scene with a band shirt on?”
Harry chuckled under his breath, and mostly just ignored his boyfriend’s complaints on the way home. (Of course, he resolved never to wear that shirt again while on missions.)