Title: A Cycle, Spinning.
Author: The House of Ill Repute (
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry, Draco, Pansy
Written for:
dracoharry100's "Leaving Home" challenge &
hd100's "struggle" challenge.
Authors Notes: non-smut, semi-angsty
Hogwarts: 7th Year - Third Floor Corridor
The internal struggle was intense.
Harry’s hands were clenched into fists as he glared at Malfoy. Pansy stood between them with Harry’s invisibility cloak gripped securely.
“Go on then,” Pansy demanded. “Answer the question! Why are you stalking Draco?”
‘Tell him,’ Harry thought. ‘Tell him the truth!’
A simple phrase would break the cycle and Harry could move on, begin living his life.
‘Just reach out to him…’
Instead, he drew back and delivered a blow to Malfoy’s face.
This anger was home, he would not - could not - leave it.
So the cycle continued…
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