Drabble Day Prompt 1

Sep 17, 2011 09:33

That's right! It's time for Drabble Day!!!

A little reminder of the rules...

Rule #1 of Drabble Day - There are no rules in Drabble Day! That's right - this is a free-for-all of creativity and imagination.

Every hour, on the hour, myself or some wonderful other mod who'll be letting me nap, will post a word, photo, phrase or writing exercise. Your job, oh wonderful participant, is to let that inspire you and write something about it. Post your response here, or a link to it if you'd prefer to post in your journal, and let others be inspired by your fertile artistry.

We'll take haikus, limericks, four-page essays, chibis (I'm looking at you, brinimc), short drabbles, novel-length pieces.

We'll take Harry/Draco, Albus/Ginny, Pansy/Luna, original fiction, ghost/werewolf or anything in between. This is about letting your imagination run wild.

If you have fests your working on, we'd urge you to take a break for a couple of hours to let your brain rest, otherwise please feel free to use our prompts as a starting point when you hit writer's block with the fests.

And so, with no more rambling from me, here is your first prompt:

Love Letters

ETA: Because I forgot even after kitty_fic told me not to - chatzy and srs!chatzy will be open and full of people also getting their creativity on :D

monthly events, mod post, drabble day prompts

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