Welcome Back to Hogwarts FAQ!
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witchyemerald What is “Welcome Back to Hogwarts?”
This is a different challenge then we have done before. It is a chance in get creative in the Harry Potter fandom, in a group setting, earning points to win the House Cup. Each person who signs up will be placed in a Hogwarts House as a student! (for 2 weeks at least) Every person in the house works together to earn your points.
How do we earn points for our house
By completing any “assignments” There will be a master list of assignments that will be posted, with an amount each task is worth.
How hard are these “assignments
Not hard at all! Because the challenge on lasts 2 weeks, and we wanted people to enjoy their stay at Hogwarts, the “assignments” can be easy (join us in a live chat) to harder ( Write a H/D story that is from the POV of neither Harry nor Draco), some things are off the wall (what did they serve at your welcome back feast.)
But I don’t write! This sucks because I want to go to Hogwarts!
Then come! This is Hogwarts not Durmstrang! We have things for artists and people that don’t do either.
Do I have to do everything on the assignment list?
Nope. You won't get detention with Snape for picking a choosing what you want to do. But remember the name of the game is points, so the more you do the better your house does.
Also keep an eye out for bonus points.
Bonus points?
Yes some “assignments” will have a chance to get more points, like extra credit!
I hope this helps answer any questions. If you have a question that was not talked about ask away! I helpful and friendly Perfect (mod) will help you out.