Apr 10, 2012 03:51

Late post is late for reasons of RL/modfail (and we're sorry about that), but as stated earlier, it’s Bonus Day again!

Tuesday, April 10 is Double Points Day

What does that mean? Points for everything you do Tuesday will be counted twice towards your weekly total: once when you check in to the comments of this post (before the mod cut-off comment goes up noon Wednesday EST) and again when you check in for the week on Sunday. Points not claimed on this post before the mod cut-off comment will be awarded once.

[Wasn't this supposed to be the New Things Bonus?]
Wasn’t this supposed to be the New Things Bonus? Yes, but on account of the modfail, it’s double for everything. We’ll run the New Things Bonus next week.

[Why was there modfail?]
Why was there modfail? Spreadsheet wrangling, check-in wrangling, and one break-up with associated drama. So sorry. Highly unlikely to happen again.

Just joining us? The general BOB guidelines are here, but the good stuff’s all in the Common Rooms, so pick a team and get to it. ♥

The stats post of Team and Individual standings will be up later today, with a link to the spreadsheet so you can see how you’re doing.

Good luck, everyone!


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