tiffanykuo801 drew
Coffee Break for
fantasyfiend09dm_p wrote
Those Who Stay for
moonlitdarkrurounihime wrote
A Song, Incomplete for
pir8fancierthe_minx_17 wrote
The Art of Transmigration for
sapphirequillfireflavored wrote
Tick Tock for
__hibiscusaoifene wrote
Between Hello and Goodbye for
clover71astridfire drew
Starlit Garden for
chantefablecassie_black12 wrote
Take a Chance, Make a Change for
stellamoongwendy1 wrote
Cooler Heads Prevail for
icicle33hallowdraconis drew
Heart Music for
icmezzoashiiblack wrote
The Slytherin Stalker for
incandescentjamie2109 wrote
Thank You, Draco for
pinkelephant42__hibiscus drew
Backroom Deals for
celandinebcelandineb wrote
The Aconite Ambiguity for [name redacted]
songquake wrote
Tiger Iron for
citrus_limemoonlitdark drew
Under the Tree for
gwendy1drarryxlover wrote
Just About Perfect for
cylsusthusspakekate wrote
Something More for
tiffanykuo801star_sailor13 drew
I Want, I Need for
nursedarryheartofoshun wrote
This is a Test for
the_minx_17bsmog wrote
Faerie Lights and Brandy for
heartofoshunpinkelephant42 drew
Keep Warm for
ignatiustroutphoenix_writing wrote
The Ties That Bind for
sky_blue44sophia_clark wrote
A Bit of Love/Hate for
phoenix_writingcylsus drew
On a Winter's Eve for
eidheann_writesradcliffe_bass wrote
Of Weddings and Helping Friends for
winterstorrmvampyrerayne wrote
Hatred Bound; Love Learned for
drarryxlovercitrus_lime wrote and drew
The Time Has Come for
dracaviatealeaf523 wrote
Deck the Halls for
star_sailor13[name redacted] wrote
Here Comes the Sun for
songquakenaturegirlrocks drew
Snowed In for
alafayeignatiustrout wrote
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work for
fireflavoredmarriesue wrote
As in the Dark all Cats are Grey for
amythystluna drew
It Worked for Ganymede for
tigersilvereidheann_writes wrote
Strong and Strange for
aoifenedeirdre_aithne wrote
Back From the Edge for
katski_rockzsaladita12 drew
Those Who Don't Lock Properly for
sdkshellypapered wrote
The Sky Was Made For Us Tonight for
astridfirequeenie_mab wrote
Let Me Be Your Voice for
vampyrerayne, featuring art from
chibitoasteroldenuf2nb drew
The Answer Is... for
wendypopspir8fancier wrote
Eye of the Beholder for
jamie2109wendypops wrote
Prepared Conversation for
naturegirlrockssealcat drew
Snowing for
cleodoxasnarkyscorp wrote
Without a Piece of Your Heart for
creepyliciouschantefable wrote
The Unlikely Incident of a Selkie on a Coffeeboat in Wintertime for
cindalastellamoon drew
Every Breath You Take for
lamerezouillemarianna_merlo wrote
In Misery for
scarletladyyleemarchais wrote
Like A Dream for
omi_ohmyincandescent wrote and drew the artwork from
Hindsight for
kjp_013megyal wrote
The Peacock Paladin and the King of the Emerald Court for
mayfly_78hdwriter wrote
It's All Good for
dm_pcindala created
Tangled for
rickey_aleo_draconis wrote
Feelings for
grooloverroma_fics wrote
The Tell-Tale Owl for
trysloraraitala drew
Department of Mysteries for
marianna_merlowinterstorrm wrote
Moment of Clarity for
hallowdraconisdracavia wrote
Catalyst for
sealcatphoenixacid drew
Passion Flowers for
dark0feenixshantismurf wrote
Under the Influence for
olimakiellascarletladyy wrote
Redeeming the Name of Malfoy for
mervabred_rahl drew
But If You Really Hold Me Tight for
shantismurfcleodoxa wrote
They Do Things Differently There for
faire_weathergroolover wrote
Kempt for
sophia_clarkdysonrules drew
Subtlety is Overrated for
phoenixacidmervab wrote
Collect Your Courage for
deirdre_aithnefaire_weather wrote
Manticoria for
ashiiblackdark0feenix drew
Hold On for
mk_malfoytryslora wrote
Tuxedo Angel for
badcookomi_ohmy wrote
Coffee, Cakes, and Doorknob Snakes for
alisannekayladie wrote
Your Hand Upon My Chest for
thusspakekateclover71 drew
Secret Rendezvous for
snarkyscorpkillerangels13 wrote
Together in the End for
bsmogkatski_rockz wrote
Once Bitten, Twice Shy for
saladita12sapphirequill wrote
When the Time Comes for
amythystlunalamerezouille wrote
To Be Back Again in the Rest of the Room for
misterwalnutkjp_013 wrote
The Weekend Starts On Wednesday for
cerberusia wrote
A Love That Transcends Hunger for
alafaye wrote
The Thread Between Then and Now for
mayfly_78 drew
Family Curse for
olimakiella wrote
Gemini for
frayach wrote
The Secret of the Solstice Stones for
leemarchaissky_blue44 wrote
Coffee, Two Sugars for
queenie_mabrickey_a wrote
Fledglings for
raitalanursedarry wrote
This Foolish Lover's Game for
enchanted_jaeenchanted_jae wrote
The Kneazle Who Came for Christmas for
red_rahlicicle33 wrote
For Love of a Family for
rurounihimetigersilver wrote
Chances Are for
oldenuf2nbcreepylicious drew
Birds and Branches for
killerangels13mk_malfoy wrote
A Defeat More Triumphant Than Victory for
melusinahpbadcook wrote
Tiny, Little Drops for
radcliffe_bassfantasyfiend09 wrote
Living with Dragons for
megyaloldenuf2nb drew
Cutting Potions for
kayladiesdkshelly wrote
Swish and Flick for
leo_draconisannafugazzi wrote
From the Printers of Melvin's Mauve Mansion of Manlove for
roma_ficsalisanne wrote
Knockturn Alley Patrol for
paperedstellamoon drew
Only One Happiness for
novembersnow wrote
Quietus for
frayachleela_cat wrote
...and with persons even worse for
novembersnowjad wrote Liar for
cerberusiadrew London Calling for pinch-hitters
wrote Fearless for
wrote A Young Radical's Guide to Love for
drew Hints are for Schoolboys for
wrote The Shoemaker and the Elves for
drew In the Garden of Erised for
tiffanykuo801 drew
Coffee Break for
fantasyfiend09astridfire drew
Starlit Garden for
chantefablehallowdraconis drew
Heart Music for
icmezzo__hibiscus drew
Backroom Deals for
celandinebmoonlitdark drew
Under the Tree for
gwendy1star_sailor13 drew
I Want, I Need for
nursedarrypinkelephant42 drew
Keep Warm for
ignatiustroutcylsus drew
On a Winter's Eve for
eidheann_writescitrus_lime wrote and drew
The Time Has Come for
dracavianaturegirlrocks drew
Snowed In for
alafayeamythystluna drew
It Worked for Ganymede for
tigersilversaladita12 drew
Those Who Don't Lock Properly for
sdkshellyoldenuf2nb drew
The Answer Is... for
wendypopssealcat drew
Snowing for
cleodoxastellamoon drew
Every Breath You Take for
lamerezouilleincandescent wrote and drew the artwork from
Hindsight for
kjp_013cindala created
Tangled for
rickey_araitala drew
Department of Mysteries for
marianna_merlophoenixacid drew
Passion Flowers for
dark0feenixred_rahl drew
But If You Really Hold Me Tight for
shantismurfdysonrules drew
Subtlety is Overrated for
phoenixaciddark0feenix drew
Hold On for
mk_malfoyclover71 drew
Secret Rendezvous for
snarkyscorpmayfly_78 drew
Family Curse for
creepylicious drew
Birds and Branches for
killerangels13oldenuf2nb drew
Cutting Potions for
kayladiestellamoon drew
Only One Happiness for
savagesnakes drew
London Calling for
raitala drew
Hints are for Schoolboys for
blamebramptonmisterwalnut drew
In the Garden of Erised for
tealeaf523 AUTHORS
dm_p wrote
Those Who Stay for
moonlitdarkrurounihime wrote
A Song, Incomplete for
pir8fancierthe_minx_17 wrote
The Art of Transmigration for
sapphirequillfireflavored wrote
Tick Tock for
__hibiscusaoifene wrote
Between Hello and Goodbye for
clover71cassie_black12 wrote
Take a Chance, Make a Change for
stellamoongwendy1 wrote
Cooler Heads Prevail for
icicle33ashiiblack wrote
The Slytherin Stalker for
incandescentjamie2109 wrote
Thank You, Draco for
pinkelephant42celandineb wrote
The Aconite Ambiguity for
ginger_veelasongquake wrote
Tiger Iron for
citrus_limedrarryxlover wrote
Just About Perfect for
cylsusthusspakekate wrote
Something More for
tiffanykuo801heartofoshun wrote
This is a Test for
the_minx_17bsmog wrote
Faerie Lights and Brandy for
heartofoshunphoenix_writing wrote
The Ties That Bind for
sky_blue44sophia_clark wrote
A Bit of Love/Hate for
phoenix_writingradcliffe_bass wrote
Of Weddings and Helping Friends for
winterstorrmvampyrerayne wrote
Hatred Bound; Love Learned for
drarryxlovercitrus_lime wrote and drew
The Time Has Come for
dracaviatealeaf523 wrote
Deck the Halls for
star_sailor13ginger_veela wrote
Here Comes the Sun for
songquakeignatiustrout wrote
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work for
fireflavoredmarriesue wrote
As in the Dark all Cats are Grey for
eidheann_writes wrote
Strong and Strange for
aoifenedeirdre_aithne wrote
Back From the Edge for
katski_rockzpapered wrote
The Sky Was Made For Us Tonight for
astridfirequeenie_mab wrote
Let Me Be Your Voice for
vampyrerayne, featuring art from
chibitoasterpir8fancier wrote
Eye of the Beholder for
jamie2109wendypops wrote
Prepared Conversation for
naturegirlrockssnarkyscorp wrote
Without a Piece of Your Heart for
creepyliciouschantefable wrote
The Unlikely Incident of a Selkie on a Coffeeboat in Wintertime for
cindalamarianna_merlo wrote
In Misery for
scarletladyyleemarchais wrote
Like A Dream for
omi_ohmyincandescent wrote and drew the artwork from
Hindsight for
kjp_013megyal wrote
The Peacock Paladin and the King of the Emerald Court for
mayfly_78hdwriter wrote
It's All Good for
dm_pleo_draconis wrote
Feelings for
grooloverroma_fics wrote
The Tell-Tale Owl for
tryslorawinterstorrm wrote
Moment of Clarity for
hallowdraconisdracavia wrote
Catalyst for
sealcatshantismurf wrote
Under the Influence for
olimakiellascarletladyy wrote
Redeeming the Name of Malfoy for
mervabcleodoxa wrote
They Do Things Differently There for
faire_weathergroolover wrote
Kempt for
sophia_clarkmervab wrote
Collect Your Courage for
deirdre_aithnefaire_weather wrote
Manticoria for
ashiiblacktryslora wrote
Tuxedo Angel for
badcookomi_ohmy wrote
Coffee, Cakes, and Doorknob Snakes for
alisannekayladie wrote
Your Hand Upon My Chest for
thusspakekatekillerangels13 wrote
Together in the End for
bsmogkatski_rockz wrote
Once Bitten, Twice Shy for
saladita12sapphirequill wrote
When the Time Comes for
amythystlunalamerezouille wrote
To Be Back Again in the Rest of the Room for
misterwalnutkjp_013 wrote
The Weekend Starts On Wednesday for
cerberusia wrote
A Love That Transcends Hunger for
alafaye wrote
The Thread Between Then and Now for
olimakiella wrote
Gemini for
frayach wrote
The Secret of the Solstice Stones for
leemarchaissky_blue44 wrote
Coffee, Two Sugars for
queenie_mabrickey_a wrote
Fledglings for
raitalanursedarry wrote
This Foolish Lover's Game for
enchanted_jaeenchanted_jae wrote
The Kneazle Who Came for Christmas for
red_rahlicicle33 wrote
For Love of a Family for
rurounihimetigersilver wrote
Chances Are for
oldenuf2nbmk_malfoy wrote
A Defeat More Triumphant Than Victory for
melusinahpbadcook wrote
Tiny, Little Drops for
radcliffe_bassfantasyfiend09 wrote
Living with Dragons for
megyalsdkshelly wrote
Swish and Flick for
leo_draconisannafugazzi wrote
From the Printers of Melvin's Mauve Mansion of Manlove for
roma_ficsalisanne wrote
Knockturn Alley Patrol for
paperednovembersnow wrote
Quietus for
frayachleela_cat wrote
...and with persons even worse for
novembersnowjad wrote
Liar for
cerberusiamelusinahp wrote
Fearless for
leela_catblamebrampton wrote
A Young Radical's Guide to Love for
cassie_black12icmezzo wrote
The Shoemaker and the Elves for
hdwriter Now you can all point out my mistakes, for there is always at least one.
I briefly entertained the thought of holding this list hostage until everyone who received a gift had commented on their entry, however, that's hardly fair to the 98% who did, so.... but really? C'mon guys. You know who you are. Something was created specifically for you, tailored to your likes and wants - please acknowledge it.
Thank you to everyone who has participated over the years - be it as artist, author, co-mod, proofreader, or reader/reviewer.
Everything will remain on the journal as is - nothing is going away. I have entertained the idea of cross-posting everything to Dreamwidth, which would be a rather large undertaking, but with LJ being....well, LJ, it's something that I am seriously considering.
That's it, folks. It's been grand.
taradiane &