Dec 13, 2011 14:03

Artist sugareey
Recipient: badjujuboo
Title: We are Who We Are
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Sometimes, even after war, the dark and light can come together. And really, it shouldn't matter.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Small suggestion of self-harm. And I suppose angst with a ray of hope.
Epilogue compliant? No way! EWE FTW!
Artist's Notes: Much of my appreciation goes to our fantastic mods for working with me so I could get this piece of art in, despite some ridiculous circumstances. So thanks to taradiane and bryoneybrynn, especially for making this wonderful fest happen again! I'll be honest, badjujuboo, I had no idea what to draw you from the very start. But I think slowly, I was able to come up with something, and an untold story was desperate to be told, not with words, but with pictures. I do have scarves in here (even though they're not necessarily House colours), and well...hopefully I've done a fairly good job in explaining how Harry and Draco got to where they are now. Enjoy! :)

rated: pg-13, round: winter 2011, [fic]

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