Dec 08, 2010 00:00

Author: dirty_darella
Recipient: quimvaa
Title: Life Lessons: The Flying Chapter
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Draco is a broom inventor and Harry is his tester.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): ). Major smuttiness ahoy. A wee bit of blood and gore (because of injury, not sexual). And grumpy Draco.
Epilogue compliant? No, EWE
Word Count: 21,300
Author's Notes: Happy Holidays, quimvaa! I hope you enjoy!. :D
Thank you to my mini team betas, you guys are awesome!

( The Flying Chapter )

ewe, round: winter 2010, [long/chaptered fic], rated: nc-17, [fic]

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