HAPPY BIRTHDAY snugglemint!!!

Jan 31, 2012 21:38

HAPPY BIRTHDAY snugglemint!!!

Art from floradelaney

Fic from kjp_013

Title: Draco Hates Surprises
Rating: R (for language)
Word Count: 1350
Summary: Draco finds something untoward...
A/N: Happy Birthday, Snugglemint! I apologise if I used your word incorrectly, but I had to use it! :D

“That's better,” Draco said with a sigh of relief as he slumped onto the sofa, cup of tea-two sugars, just the way he liked it-cradled in his hand.

Draco knew full well that talking to himself was a sigh of madness; Harry told him so at least twice a day. He found he just didn't care. His relief at finally getting home from the gruelling fourteen hour shift deserved to be vocalised.

Taking a satisfyingly long gulp of his tea, Draco put his head against the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. Harry would be walking through the door in a little while and Draco was determined to stay awake to see him. They hadn't had a chance to spend an awful lot of time together in weeks.

They'd moved in together six months ago, just after they had finished their training. They couldn't have timed it any worse than they had. Harry was now a fully-fledged Auror, and Draco-for his sins-was now a Healer on the Magical Bugs Ward at St Mungo's. Draco didn't know if it was the fates, or simple bad luck, but he and Harry had been working opposite shifts for weeks. They barely had time to have dinner together, never mind more intimate relations.

A quick glance at the clock told him that he had about half an hour before Harry would be home-just enough time for him to close his eyes for a moment. Placing his cup onto the table, Draco skooshed down into his favourite spot and tried to get comfortable. It was a harder task than usual as whenever Draco moved, he was prodded in the arse. And not in the way he usually enjoyed.

Slipping his hand under the cushion, Draco pulled out the offending article, and the bottom fell out of his world. Draco's mind was a blur as he held the pink, lace bra up. He simply lay prone on the sofa, bra in his hand and dazed look on his face.

Draco's thoughts were getting crazier by the second. Harry was cheating on him? With a fucking girl? “What the bloody fuck?” he said aloud.

The floo whooshed to life, and still Draco couldn't move. His confusion had passed, and was rapidly being replaced with anger. Turning his head towards the fireplace, Draco said, “You're early.”

The smile on Harry's face faded. “I finished early so we could-Draco, what have you got there?”

“What does it look like?”

“It looks like a fucking bra,” Harry spat. “What are you doing with it?”

Harry's tone shocked Draco into silence; he was expecting Harry to be contrite, or to deny all knowledge of it altogether. It wasn't like Harry to get angry at Draco-not any more.

“Did I come home too early? You seemed perfectly content when I first came in.”

“What the fuck are you on about?” Draco shouted back as he finally found his voice.

“You.” Harry looked murderous. Draco didn't know what the fuck was going on. “Lying on the sofa,” Harry continued, “holding a fucking bra looking properly shagged out.”

“It's yours!” Draco stood up and threw the underwear at Harry, who let it drop to the floor. “I found it on the sofa! Have fun with some little-”

“You think I cheated on you?” Harry asked, calming a little.

“Yes! So don't go trying to put it all on me. I'm not a fucking cheat!”

“Well neither am I!”

They were stood toe-to-toe now, and it took all of Draco's restraint to not throw Harry onto the sofa and show him just who he should be shagging. It had been a long time since they'd had a good fight, and Draco couldn't help finding himself turned on. The choice was taken from Draco when Harry grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and kissed him squarely on the mouth.

“I love you,” Harry said when Draco pushed him away. “I don't know how that got there. But it wasn't me.”

“And it certainly wasn't me,” Draco replied, wrapping his arms around Harry.

The urge to laugh at the absurdity of the situation bubbled inside Draco, and by the look on his face, Harry as well. They'd both had relationships with women in the past, but both had agreed that it wasn't exactly for them. The urge disappeared as quick as it came as Draco thought about the fact that they had both come to the conclusion that the other had cheated; it lay uneasy in Draco's stomach.

“I think we need to talk,” Draco said, pulling Harry onto the sofa.

They talked for some time-Draco didn't know exactly how long. They cried and laughed and discussed how things had turned out the way they had. It was quite refreshing, Draco thought, being able to just spend time with Harry again. The realisation that they'd spent so much time with their respective jobs that they'd begun to question their relationship had hit them hard.

“I'll cut back on my hours,” Harry finally promised, as Draco pledged the same. “We can't go on like this.”

Draco smiled and kissed Harry with a softness that had been missing for quite some time. “I do need to know one thing, though; where the hell did it come from?”

Both men looked at the floor, to the scrap of lace and cotton that had caused all of the trouble. As Harry opened his mouth to reply, the front door clicked, and voices rang through the hallway. Draco gripped his wand and held his finger to his lips; Harry did the same.

“Are you sure they're not in?” Hermione's voice had a tinge of worry to it, and Draco knew who's voice he'd be hearing next.

“Yes, I asked Harry for a pint and he said he was working late. And you know Draco's always at the hospital these days.”

Draco looked at Harry and rolled his eyes. He wished he'd taken the bloody key back off Ron after he'd moved out.

“I just feel bad, sneaking around when they're out.”

“You didn't feel so bad last night.”

A smacking sound and then a small 'ow' told Draco exactly what had happened.

“That was different. We needed some time away from your parents. You know I don't like to-”

“Well, if you will forget the Silencing Charm.” Ron laughed and another slapping sound could be heard. Hermione was bloody violent when she wanted to be. The next noises he heard made Draco's stomach turn. The unmistakeable sound of two people snogging against his hallway table would forever be etched onto his mind.

Draco glanced at Harry and they both looked back towards the bra in horror. “No!” Draco said in disgust before they both jumped off the sofa.

“Eww!” Harry screwed his face up and brushed at the seat of his trousers. “On our fucking sofa?” he whispered, turning slightly green.

Draco shook his head, suddenly not feeling so well. “Incendio!” he cried, pointing his wand at the tarnished piece of furniture.

The living room door swung open, revealing the red faces of Ron and Hermione.

“Oh, hi,” Hermione said, trying to look innocent. “How are you? We were just-”

“I think you have something of ours,” Harry said, holding his hand out for the key.

Draco scooped the bra up and threw it at his very embarrassed friends. “And I think we have something of yours.”

happy birthday!, gifter: floradelaney, gifter: kjp_013, pressies for: snugglemint

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