hd-fluff prompt list for fluffy halloween fest!

Oct 12, 2015 17:20

Artwork by digthewriter, Banner by enablelove
Harry/Draco Fluffy Halloween Fest 2015

List of all the prompts from the " PROMPTING POST"
1. Prompt by enchanted_jae
I would love to see fic written, based on the artwork in our amazing banner!

2.Promt by digthewriter
The "8th year" of Hogwarts go on a "study abroad" program and are in Salem, Massachusetts. They enter the wizarding world HS and go on a 'halloween trip'

Draco has never been to a haunted house before and he unintentionally keeps holding Harry's hand.

3. Prompt by capitu
Draco loses a dare and now he has to dress as Harry Potter for Halloween.

4. Prompt by capitu
Harry and Draco's children want to throw a party for Halloween and want their whole family to wear costumes as a group.

5. Prompt by cremebunny
Hogwarts gets hexed and everyone turns into mindless zombies!! and its up to Harry & Draco to save the school. Lmao walking dead much xD

6. Prompt by digthewriter
At the enchanted Halloween ball, Harry and Draco accidentally drinks punch from the same cup and it means...something...and now they can't stop telling the truth about each other. Like, Harry thinks Draco's outfit is so sexy it should be illegal and Draco thinks that Harry should wear those trousers all the time because of the way his ass looks in them...

7. Prompt by enchanted_jae
Black cats are meant to bring good luck, so why does this one seem to be ruining all of Draco's dates?

8. Prompt by bonfoi
A divorced Harry is accidentally cursed by his son, James, and sees the real Draco, his inner beauty and his unexpected goofy humorous side. Wanting to show Draco he's really seen, Harry tries to make this the best Yule ever...while James tries to reverse the curse with Scorpius' help...which just makes it all that much more fun.

9. Prompt by bonfoi
Everyone in 8th year is given a mysterious box for the All Hallow's Eve Gala. When they get dressed, they find themselves acting like the characters they're wearing...and Draco's got Dracula to Harry's Frankenstein's Monster...talk about a communication problem.

10. Prompt by bonfoi
Draco follows a bobbing lantern into the Forbidden Forest and finds Harry cavorting with fairies. Just how is that lantern floating in mid-air? And, just why do the fairies like Harry better than Draco? This is a Halloween mystery Draco must solve.

11. Prompt by bleedingangel84
Harry a Draco bond when they're forced to take Teddy trick-or -treating.

12. Prompt by bleedingangel84
Draco plays hero on Halloween and rescues a distressed Harry, who is moping at home.

13. Prompt by bleedingangel84
Fred and George play a prank on Halloween that brings Harry and Draco together.

14. Prompt by bleedingangel84
Harry and Draco have a movie marathon on Halloween. Harry swears it not a date, but Draco wishes it were

15. Prompt by bleedingangel84
"I love Halloween. It's the one night of the year I don't have to hide."

Below are the rules posted by the MODs (not me, I just thought I'd help!)Dark, angsty, spooky fics and art are all the rage at this time of the year; however, we like to do things differently. At hd_fluff, Halloween and Samhain are full of lighthearted fluff and fun, and we'd like as many people to participate as possible.

As always, this is meant to be a very casual, laid-back fest. That being said, there are still some guidelines to follow:

♥ Prompt posting begins NOW and will run through the 10th of October. Leave your prompt as a comment to this post.
♥ Posting begins the 11th and will run through the end of the month.
♥ Prompting will NOT be anonymous, nor will posting.
♥ When posting, please reference the PROMPT rather than the prompter. These are not intended as gifts to the individual prompter so much as contributions to the fest that we may all enjoy.
♥ Anything goes--long fics, ficlets, drabbles, artwork, vids, poetry, etc.
♥ There is no limit to the number of people who may create fic or art for any given prompt.
♥ Conversely, it is possible that some prompts will not be claimed. While that may not seem fair, keep in mind that we will all be able to enjoy the results of the fest, whether our prompts are chosen or not.
♥ You may use your own prompt.

fluffy halloween fest

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