May Challenge: The New Normal

May 08, 2019 08:26

Title: The New Normal
Author: brumeier
Fandoms: Misfits of Science
H/C: unwanted transformation
Medium: fic
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: unwanted transformation

Summary: Billy Hayes was the normal one, the self-appointed leader of the Misfits who helped them work together using their special powers to help others. So what happens when he suddenly becomes ( Read more... )

fandom: misfits of science, [medium: fic], amnesty: challenges: may, round: 9, prompt: unwanted transformation

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Comments 2

hc_bingo_mod May 8 2019, 20:02:57 UTC

... )


brumeier May 8 2019, 20:36:28 UTC
Thank you!


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