BINGO: Parallel Diagonals

Jan 06, 2018 19:30

Author: TantalumCobalt
Fandoms: Batman; DCU
H/C: abuse; trapped together; sacrifice; drugged; septicaemia / infected wounds

Title: For a Good Paws
Fandom: Batman; DCU
Prompt: Abuse
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 1,931
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Summary: The one where Damian and Jason do some minor illegal things to stop other illegal things from happening ( Read more... )

prompt: drugged, bingo: parallel diagonals, round: 8, prompt: septicemia / infected wounds, prompt: sacrifice, [medium: fic], prompt: trapped together, prompt: abuse, fandom: batman

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hc_bingo_mod January 6 2018, 10:06:53 UTC

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