Bingo - Horizontal Line

Jul 27, 2013 21:10

Author: Kmoaton
Fandoms: Eureka, Supernatural, Inuyasha
H/C: Forced Soul Bonding, Pandemic/Epidemic, Shipwrecked, Scars, Phobias.

Title: Lead Me Not Into Temptation 
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: Forced Soul Bonding
Medium: fic,
Wordcount: 739
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Dub Con, Angst
Summary: Plagued by his need for demon blood and sex from Lucifer, Sam makes a hard decision..

Title: Second Chances
Fandom: Eureka
Prompt: Pandemic/Epidemic
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3068
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Angst, New relationship, illness
Summary: Nathan hated that General Mansfield wanted to make biological weapons at Global. When the virus escapes, all hell breaks loose.

Title: A Change Is Gonna Come
Fandom: Inuyasha
Prompt: Shipwrecked
Medium: fic,
Wordcount: 672

Rating: M

Warnings: None

Summary: Miroku decides he wants answers.

Title: Wounded

Fandom: Inuyasha
Prompt: Scars
Medium: fic,
Wordcount: 734
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Summary: Reaping what you sown

Title: Deliver Me
Fandom: Eureka
Prompt: Phobias
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3240
Rating: M
Warnings: OOC-ness, angst, past emotional abuse

Summary Nathan refused to let anyone get close to him. After a terrible breakup, he realizes that he needs help.

fandom: eureka, fandom: inuyasha, prompt: phobias, fandom: supernatural, bingo: straight line, [medium: fic], prompt: pandemics and epidemics, round: 4, prompt: scars, prompt: forced soulbonding

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