- abandonment issues
- abuse
- accept injury to protect someone
- accidental mating for life
- accidents
- alien abduction
- allergic reaction
- amnesia
- apocalypse
- archaic medical treatment
- arena
- arrest
- asking for help
- asphyxiation
- assault
- atonement
- attacked by a creature
- backrubs / massages
- bargaining for protection
- begging
- betrayal
- bites
- blackmail
- blood loss
- body / mindswap
- body image issues
- bodyguards
- brainwashing / deprogramming
- branding
- broken bones
- bruises
- bullet wounds
- burns
- cages
- captivity
- caught in a robbery
- chronic illness / pain
- coma
- comfort food or item / feeding someone
- confession in desperate situation
- corporal punishment
- counseling
- CPR / rescue breathing
- crisis of faith
- crucifixion
- cuddling
- culture shock
- cursed
- de-age
- deadline / time bomb
- deals with demons
- dehumanization
- depression
- desecration
- destruction / natural disasters
- difficult / unexpected pregnancy
- drowning
- drugged
- dub-con
- dungeons
- dystopia
- eating disorders
- electrocution
- estrangement
- exhaustion
- experiments by evil scientists
- explosion
- extortion
- fall from grace
- falling
- falsely accused
- family
- fever / delirium
- fighting
- fire
- first transformation
- food poisoning
- forbidden love
- forced body modification
- forced marriage
- forced soulbonding
- forced to face fear
- forced to hurt somebody
- forced to participate in illegal / hurtful activity
- forced to rely on enemy / rival
- forced to uncover past trauma
- forgiveness
- gaslighting
- grief
- group support
- hallucinations / illusions
- haunted
- hazing / bullying
- head trauma
- headaches / migraines
- healers
- heart attack / heart trouble
- heat exhaustion / heat stroke
- hiding an injury / illness
- homesickness
- hospital stay
- hostages
- hostile climate
- hugs
- humiliation / degradation
- hunger / starvation
- hypoglycemia / low blood sugar
- hypothermia
- imprisonment
- insomnia
- interrogation
- isolation
- job-related trauma
- kidnapping
- lacerations / knife wounds
- learning to be loved
- loss of a treasured possession
- loss of hearing
- loss of home / shelter
- loss of identity
- loss of job / income
- loss of limb / amputation / mutilation
- loss of possessions
- loss of powers
- loss of vision
- loss of voice
- lost childhood
- magical trouble
- major illness or injury
- medication
- mercy killing
- minor illness or injury
- mistaken identity
- motion sickness
- mutation
- muzzles / gags
- nausea
- near death experience
- needles / piercings
- nervous breakdown
- nightmares
- on the run
- orphans
- ostracised from society
- pandemics and epidemics
- panic attacks
- phobias
- pneumonia
- poisoning
- possession / mind control
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- prostitution
- purgatory
- rape / non-con
- rejection
- restrained
- resurrection
- ritualized pain / injury
- robots / androids / AIs
- runaways
- sacrifice
- scars
- secret identity discovered
- self-harm
- sensory deprivation
- septicemia / infected wounds
- serial killers
- sex pollen
- shipwrecked
- side effects
- skeletons in the closet
- slaves
- stalkers
- Stockholm syndrome
- stranded / survival scenario
- strapped to a moving vehicle
- substance addiction
- suicide attempt
- surgery
- survivor's guilt
- taking care of somebody
- telepathic trauma
- tentacles
- therapy
- toothache
- torture
- touch-starved
- trapped together
- trust issues
- tyranny / rebellion
- unconsciousness
- undeserved reputation
- unexpected consequences of planned soulbonding
- unrequited pining
- unwanted transformation
- vehicle crash
- washing / bathing someone
- wasteland
- whipping / flogging
- wings
- witch hunt