Round 7: Prompts

Jun 18, 2016 22:13

Some hurt/comfort prompts can be potentially triggering. If you're uncomfortable with writing about certain categories of situations - ie: sexual trauma, abuse, supernatural etc -, please note that when you sign up so we can give you a card avoiding these areas altogether.

Please look over this list before signing up. You may veto from one to three prompts that would be triggery/uncomfortable for you to write about. If you need more than three prompts vetoed, please contact the mods by PM or email and we will work with you to make sure you have a suitable card.

1 . abandonment issues
2 . abuse
3 . accept injury to protect someone
4 . accidental mating for life
5 . accidents
6 . alien abduction
7 . allergic reaction
8 . amnesia
9 . apocalypse
10 . archaic medical treatment
11 . arena
12 . arrest
13 . asphyxiation
14 . assault
15 . atonement
16 . attacked by a creature
17 . backrubs / massages
18 . begging
19 . betrayal
20 . bites
21 . blackmail
22 . blood loss
23 . body / mindswap
24 . body image issues
25 . bodyguards
26 . brainwashing / deprogramming
27 . branding
28 . broken bones
29 . bruises
30 . bullet wounds
31 . burns
32 . cages
33 . captivity
34 . caught in a robbery
35 . coma
36 . combat
37 . comfort food or item / feeding someone
38 . confession in desperate situation
39 . corporal punishment
40 . counseling
41 . CPR / rescue breathing
42 . crucifixion
43 . cuddling
44 . culture shock
45 . cursed
46 . de-age
47 . deadline / time bomb
48 . deals with demons
49 . depression
50 . destruction / natural disasters
51 . difficult / unexpected pregnancy
52 . disappearing
53 . drowning
54 . drugged
55 . dub-con
56 . dungeons
57 . dystopia
58 . eating disorders
59 . electrocution
60 . estrangement
61 . exhaustion
62 . experiments by evil scientists
63 . explosion
64 . extortion
65 . fall from grace
66 . falling
67 . falsely imprisoned
68 . family
69 . fever / delirium
70 . fighting
71 . fire
72 . first transformation
73 . food poisoning
74 . forbidden love
75 . forced body modification
76 . forced marriage
77 . forced soulbonding
78 . forced to face fear
79 . forced to hurt somebody
80 . forced to participate in illegal / hurtful activity
81 . forced to rely on enemy / rival
82 . forgiveness
83 . gaslighting
84 . grief
85 . group support
86 . hallucinations
87 . haunted
88 . hazing / bullying
89 . head trauma
90 . headaches / migraines
91 . healers
92 . heart attack / heart trouble
93 . heat exhaustion / heat stroke
94 . hiding an injury / illness
95 . homesickness
96 . hospital stay
97 . hostages
98 . hostile climate
99 . hugs
100 . humiliation
101 . hunger / starvation
102 . hypoglycemia / low blood sugar
103 . hypothermia
104 . imprisonment
105 . insomnia
106 . interrogation
107 . invisibility
108 . isolation
109 . job-related trauma
110 . kidnapping
111 . lacerations / knife wounds
112 . learning to be loved
113 . loss of hearing
114 . loss of home / shelter
115 . loss of identity
116 . loss of job / income
117 . loss of possessions
118 . loss of powers
119 . loss of vision
120 . loss of voice
121 . lost childhood
122 . magical trouble
123 . major illness or injury
124 . medication
125 . mercy killing
126 . minor illness or injury
127 . mistaken identity
128 . motion sickness
129 . moving
130 . mutation
131 . nausea
132 . near death experience
133 . nervous breakdown
134 . nightmares
135 . on the run
136 . orphans
137 . ostracised from society
138 . pandemics and epidemics
139 . panic attacks
140 . phobias
141 . pneumonia
142 . poisoning
143 . possession / mind control
144 . post-traumatic stress disorder
145 . prostitution
146 . protection
147 . purgatory
148 . rape / non-con
149 . rejection
150 . restrained
151 . robots / androids
152 . runaways
153 . sacrifice
154 . scars
155 . secret allies
156 . secret identity discovered
157 . self-harm
158 . sensory deprivation
159 . septicemia / infected wounds
160 . serial killers
161 . sex pollen
162 . shipwrecked
163 . side effects
164 . skeletons in the closet
165 . slaves
166 . stalkers
167 . Stockholm syndrome
168 . stranded / survival scenario
169 . strapped to a moving vehicle
170 . substance addiction
171 . suicide attempt
172 . surgery
173 . survivor's guilt
174 . taking care of somebody
175 . telepathic trauma
176 . tentacles
177 . theft
178 . therapy
179 . toothache
180 . torture
181 . touch-starved
182 . trapped together
183 . trust issues
184 . tyranny / rebellion
185 . unconsciousness
186 . undeserved reputation
187 . unexpected consequences of planned soulbonding
188 . unrequited pining
189 . unwanted transformation
190 . vehicle crash
191 . washing / bathing someone
192 . wasteland
193 . whipping / flogging
194 . wings
195 . witch hunt

!administrivia, !administrivia: prompts, round: 7

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