So May has come, and it's also time for a feedback post! But please pay attention, because we have a proposition for you.
We had a very beautiful run with three rounds of
hc_bingo so far, and we feel it's time to change things around a little. We propose making the following changes to the system:
1) No more points.
2) Every type of bingo gets a separate banner.
3) At the end of the round the achievement banners (and possibly small prizes) are given. Examples of achievements: gathering all types of bingo/extra on the same card, longest wordcount, highest number of fandoms used in one card, all types of fills used in one card, completed all amnesty challenges, etc., etc. We're still gathering ideas for achievements; you're very welcome to suggest yours in the comments.
4) Please note that the achievements will be reached within one bingo card (for example, say you're aiming for the highest wordcount achievement. You've got a total of 90k words on one card and 5k words on the other. The wordcount that counts for the achievement will be 90k, not 90+5k).
5) We will try to make all achievements quantifiable and objective.
6) You can qualify for several achievements at once.
This is a very rough outline of the new system; we're going to expand and polish it as we go. Please help us with your suggestions and ideas!
You can also fill out a very short
reaction poll.
Besides that, let us also collect the usual feedback for Round 3:
Are there prompts you'd like to see added to the list? Prompts you'd like to see combined or removed? Prompts you think may need to be reworded? Etc. Please let us know why you think so.
General Feedback:
Commentary on Round Three and any suggestions that are not covered above.
1. This post will be open until May 20th, to allow us time to consider all suggestions and possible changes before Round Four.
2. Post your comment under the appropriately titled thread. This makes our tracking and organisation easier.
3. Be respectful of all posters (and lurkers).
4. Anonymous commenting is on. (We will screen and turn off anon-commenting if comments become personal or disrespectful)
5. Remember that, although we will be reading and very seriously considering all suggestions, this is not a guarantee that your suggestion will be implemented.
Round Three prompts can be found
NOTE: Some prompts deal with sensitive issues and may be triggering.
Mods will not be responding to suggestions, or participating in any ensuing discussions, however we are watching all comments.
If you would prefer to discuss anything privately please feel free to
e-mail the mods or PM