What type of requirements are there for a writer?
Your fic must be at least 20,000 words long and mandatorily beta-read before the posting date. You can choose any pairing, fandom, or even original fiction if you wish. At the time of signing up, you will need to have the following information: 1.) What fandom/pairing and general synopsis (can be changed later!); 2.) Provide a working e-mail address; 3.) Join AND Friend the community to be able to catch important updates and announcements.
You MUST declare your fandom/pairing by the sign-up deadline of January 15th, 2012. Also note, that if you write with someone, the minimum word count is increased.
What exactly is hurt/comfort?
Hurt/comfort (often shortened to h/c) is a fan-fiction genre where the plot is generally summarized by the name: one character is hurt, and/or at least one other character provides comfort. The injury can be minor but is generally quite severe and traumatic, and often life-threatening. Hurt/comfort stories tend to be highly dramatic and many claim the popularity of the genre is from taking strong characters and putting them in situations where they are made physically and emotionally vulnerable - both the injured character and those who comfort him or her.
I don't know what to write! I've got so many ideas!
We're here to help! While you can change your plotbunny at any time, we're also offering you this post to help figure things out. You provide descriptions of up to five of your plotbunnies, and we put up a poll here to see what people are interested in. No obligation to go with the winner, but it might help you choose!
I've already been writing a hurt/comfort story already. Can I use that?
You are allowed to use a WIP in this bigbang if it's less than 10k. Your story cannot have appeared anywhere on the net already. If you have already a couple thousand words of it up somewhere (at max, 10k), then we won't count that towards your total 20k requirement, and you must immediately take it off the internet completely for the duration of the challenge.
Can I write with someone else?
Yes, you may co-author your bigbang if you want to. However, the word minimum for co-authored works is 30,000 words and is increased by 10,000 words for each additional author participating. For example, two authors are required to submit 30,000 words. Three authors, 40,000 words. Four authors, 50,000 words.
Do I really have to have my fic be beta-read?
Yes. Dear Gods, yes. A beta reader is a person who reads another person's written work with a critical eye, with the aim of improving grammar, spelling, characterization, and general style of a story before the author posts it up. All participants must get their fiction beta’d by at least one person. Betareading is love, people!
What happens if I can't write that much by the posting deadline?
First, relax and don't panic! You've got until September for finishing this baby off! For writers, this is not a reciprocal challenge, so I'm not going to go chasing after you with a big giant stick if you drop out. It's hard to write this much fic on a deadline! I understand! Don't stress yourself; fandom is meant to be fun. Usually in these things, at least half of the writers drop out. That's expected. But please, please, please - if you need to drop out of this challenge, drop your mod a quick note.
Another note: If you fall short of the 20k, don't panic. Do not sign up with the *intent* of writing anything short of a 20,000 word story, but if you fall a little short, just contact your mod and we'll try to work something out if we can.
Wait, what is this I see about a Mandatory check-in later on? What's that about?
The mandatory check-in for authors is scheduled on February 12, 2012. Authors must either affirm/deny that they have written at least 10,000 of words for their Big Bang fic by that deadline, or they will NOT recieve an artist's claim on their story. Meaning, no pretty fanart for your fanfiction. That said, if you sign up and later find you just cannot make the 10,000 word count by the mandatory check-in, you can still continue to write something and have your story go live on this comm on the Debut Date. You just will not receive artwork or vids for it through this challenge. But you would get to see your story all shiny and pretty and still get the satisfaction of participating!
Can I have contact with my artist?
We will provide you with contact information once an artist is committed to you. From there, you can contact them to find out more about their interests. We would like to encourage you to be in contact with them and to share and collaborate, but ONLY in fun. The artist is under no obligation to work directly with you. Ultimately, what they create for your fic is their creation, just like how they cannot dictate what you write for your fanfiction. But we all want everyone to be happy with what they get and what they create, so I hope this remains a happy, fun, friendly experience.
What if I hate my artist and/or dislike the artwork that is done for my fanfiction?
Um, the politist way I can honestly word this is: get over yourself. The artist is trying their best, I'm sure, to produce a good piece of work for you. Give thanks, and be on your merry way.
Author Sign Ups: OPEM - Nov.30.2011
Artist Sign Ups: OPEN - Mar.11.2012
Beta Sign Ups: OPEN - OPEN
Check Point #1 (optional): Jan.15.2012
Check Point #2 (mandatory): Feb.12.2012
Check Point #3 (10K for art): Mar.11.2012
Art Claiming: Mar.18.2012 (approx)
Art & Final Story Due: Apr.25.2012
Public Posting: May.01.2012
More info here at our
FAQ post!
Sign Up
If you'd like to participate as an artist, please reply to this post with ALL the following information. All comments are unscreened.
I have read the sign-up rules and the
FAQ post: Y/N
LJ-Name: Name of author (and co-authors, if any)
Email: (if you don't want it publicly visible, PM
meekosan with the address.)
Fandom/Pairing: (fandom/pairing, prompt -- and yeah, you can change your mind later!)
I have read the sign-up rules and the FAQ post: Y/N
LJ-Name: Name of author (and co-authors, if any)
Email: (if you don't want it publicly visible, PM
with the address.)
Fandom/Pairing: (fandom/pairing, prompt -- and yeah, you can change your mind later!)