Pics from desk calendar!

Oct 02, 2008 16:46

Thanks so, so much to iamfez for getting the HBP desk calendar, containing over 40 new and larger/clearer images from the sixth movie of just about everyone you can think of, really. They can be seen below (please credit iamfez for them).

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hbp 1008 - october 2008

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Comments 123

juine_valentine October 2 2008, 20:51:00 UTC
aw ginny looks so pretty in the dress
and I love the ones with the twins


ragdoll October 2 2008, 20:53:11 UTC
Woo hoo! Niiiiiiice all around. And finally a picture of Tonks without Remus (and vice versa).

Luna-in-the-Lion-Hat is so so so so made of win.


redheadsarehot October 2 2008, 20:57:33 UTC
Cormac is hot, but Ron is smokin hot! NOM NOM I want to eat him up!


whitestar October 2 2008, 21:01:30 UTC
Reeeemmmusssss! :D And he doesn't have that weird wide eyed open look either! ^_^


heather October 2 2008, 21:02:30 UTC
Cormac is hot! And why does Ron seem to have more chemistry with him than with anyone else he's been on camera with? *g* Not a complaint, mind you.


ronniekins328 October 2 2008, 22:26:14 UTC
Rupert has madd aktin skillz.


sandrinha2 October 2 2008, 23:06:16 UTC
You must be using sarcasm because 1- Rupert has mad chemistry with all the actors 2- We haven't seen him on screen for HBP so you can't judge yet lol.


heather October 2 2008, 23:18:03 UTC
lol, no sarcasm. He has good chemistry with Harry, I'll give you that, but other than him, not so much. :D I'm not talking about on-screen, I mean just in that picture there are nice antagonistic sparks going between him and Cormac.

Anyway, chill, I love Ron.


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