Round 48 Rules, Info, Themes

Jun 10, 2015 16:43

Completed 20 due: June 29th 2015, by 11:59 p.m in your timezone

Round Rules:
» You must be signed up for Round 48 to participate.
» All icons must be made specifically for this challenge. Don't submit icons you've already made.
» Don't take other people's work.
» If your icons contain adult content, please add a warning.
» Icons must be made according to the LiveJournal standard. This means that they must be under 40kb, 100x100 pixels and saved as a .png, .gif or .jpg
» No animated icons are allowed.
» Post your icons to your journal/icon community, then post a 3 icon teaser here with a link back to the rest. Please don't post any more than 3 and don't post a banner or any other sort of picture.
» Make sure your icon post is UNLOCKED.
» Please don't submit your icons to this post.
» Please use the table provided to post your icons. You can change the table colors/fonts.
» Please do not add tags. We'll do that for you.
» Add a subject to your post: Round 48 - claim - username
» Your completed set of 20 icons is due by June 29th 2015, by 11:59 p.m, in your timezone.
» Participants and Claims List
Sign-ups will remain open until the end of the round, or until we reach 25.


*Outside, *Obscure Crop, *Smile+No eyes, *Outfit, *Genderbend+Surname, Negative Space, *Friend, *Struggle, *Lucky Number, *Behind The Wheel

Thanks to effulgent_girl, starry_night, crucified, erinm_4600 for your suggestions!

Easy, show your claim outside!
sietepecados sietepecados sietepecados

Obscure Crop
Crop your image in an odd way that is a little obscure.
sietepecados tinebrella     memonechan

Smile+No Eyes
Show your claim smiling but without their eyes in the icon. You can crop the eyes out of the image or obscure them in some way (with text/brushes/etc) if you'd like :)
ellasaidlumos   hsapiens      

Make an icon showing off your claim in an outfit - and it doesn't have to be a particarly fancy or flamboyant outfit :)
darkpalace   sietepecados sietepecados

This will be the only icon in your set that does not contain your claim. Pick a fellow who you think would be a good male version of your claim. AND use your claim's actual surname on the icon. You don't have to give your male-claim a first name, but you can if you wish. But you must have the surname of your original claim on the icon. So for example if you claimed Piper Halliwell and gender-bended her with Dean Winchester, your icon would be an image of Dean with the name "Halliwell" on the icon.

Negative Space
Another easy one!
tinebrella     tinebrella

Show your claim with a pal! (can be a male pal if you wish!)
jsfunction       jsfunction          stydia

A nice, interpretive theme. Show your claim in some sort of struggle whether it be emotional, physical, psychological - you pick!
vintagic         sietepecados tinebrella

Lucky Number
What is your lucky number? Use it somewhere on the icon!

Behind The Wheel
Show your claim driving! They can be driving a car, bike, boat, broom, horse, dragon - any mode of transportation :)
fly_meaway   aotearoagal

Category (5) 
Make an icon for each of the five senses. Interpret them however you wish, use caps with objects/colours/facial expressions/textures/brushes/cropping body parts, etc. Just make sure you make one icon for each sense! So one icon for Smell, one for Sight, one for Touch, one for Taste, and one for Sound. The table is labelled so make sure you put the right icon in the right place.
eg: (of course all of your icons will be of the same character!)
lil_art           ellasaidlumos violateraindrop ellasaidlumos violateraindrop

smell | touch | sight | taste | sound

These 5 icons are up to you, as long as they are images of your claim.

Just leave me a comment if you need more explanation of any other themes :):)



outsideobscure cropsmile+no eyesoutfitgenderbend+surname
negative spacefriendstrugglelucky numberbehind the wheel

5 CATEGORY - Senses

cat #1 "Smell"cat #2 "Touch"cat #3 "Sight"cat #4 "Taste"cat #5 "Sound"


Artist's Choice #1Artist's Choice #2Artist's Choice #3Artist's Choice #4Artist's Choice #5


*round 48, *rules/info

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