
Apr 23, 2014 12:36

I'm so ill that Mr Wand gave me uncensored control of the television. Looking forward to seeing the doctor.

More about the cat ... )

cat, r/l

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Comments 8

firethesound April 23 2014, 11:39:58 UTC
Oh my gosh, that face. Yeah, I can see where she might win this one.

Hope you're feeling better soon.


hazel_wand April 24 2014, 19:52:23 UTC
Mr Wand is definitely the weak link! I think it will come down to me versus the cat with Mr Wand as the helpless one in the middle. Which, if we ever have a daughter, will probably happen then as well.


capitu April 23 2014, 12:00:52 UTC
She looks so resentful. It'll be a hard battle. I can tell.

I hope you start feeling better, but enjoy all the TV for now! <3


hazel_wand April 24 2014, 19:55:42 UTC
She does look resentful. She's so cute and yet so angry at the same time! Poor cat. I have decided to feel better (after crying at the doctor because he was no help). I'm not sure I actually feel better, but if I pretend I am it helps a bit. Plus Mr Wand is now coming down with it so has been watching Breaking Bad all day. :)


birdsofshore April 23 2014, 12:24:02 UTC
Oh, my goodness! What an expressive face D:

I do hope you feel better. But in the meantime, I approve of the TV control rights.


hazel_wand April 24 2014, 19:57:09 UTC
I've had to give the tv control to Mr Wand as he's now getting ill too! I love how cute and yet how clearly pissed off our cat manages to look at any given time.


nenne April 23 2014, 18:30:37 UTC
You cannot be outsmarted by a cat! Stay strong!

I wish you a speedy recovery!


hazel_wand April 24 2014, 20:00:17 UTC
I know, right? But honestly, she's like this furry ball of rage at the moment. Poor cat.


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