
Sep 18, 2007 18:08

Ok, evidently what will inspire me to post again is the death of a favorite writer. Rest in peace, Robert Jordan. For all its flaws, he wrote a great series and it's very sad to me that he died and that he died before completing it. Evidently, right up to the end he was doing his best to continue work on the last book which shows some serious ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

mmaresca September 18 2007, 22:25:58 UTC
Glad to see you're still alive, though.


hazel75 September 18 2007, 22:50:07 UTC
Will try to do better on that account. I just don't have any interests right now that seem like they'd be interesting to anybody else...I'm determined to watch Lost as it airs this year instead of waiting for the DVDs to come out as I've done in years past...I hope people are still watching Lost...


mmaresca September 18 2007, 23:52:46 UTC
I still am. At least, I plan to come January.

As for other interests, hell, try me. Might surprise you...


jmatonak September 18 2007, 22:29:49 UTC
Yeah, what he said. :)


hazel75 September 18 2007, 22:51:06 UTC
Thanks -- that's how I used to feel back when I was keeping up more and you would pop in to LJ :) Ah, the life -- how it goes full circle...


blue_larkspur September 19 2007, 02:26:49 UTC
Hello! How nice to see your name pop up today! I'm sorry your favorite author died, but selfishly am glad that you posted about it. It's great to hear that you're doing well.

Take care. :)


wildrider September 19 2007, 03:32:42 UTC

dulzura_implaca October 6 2007, 05:19:35 UTC
Hey! I got married.

And shea is a city council member.

call me. 901-652-4159

-phoebe neal moore : )

worst combined name ever. i'm like a porn star.


hazel75 November 6 2007, 15:07:03 UTC
Sorry about the late reply -- somehow I missed this in my email.

I'll definitely give you a call. Congratulations!!! When did this happen? I need to add you to my friends list now (and do a better job checking mine...)

And the name is pretty funny...


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