Books from my childhood endangered by Congress's stupidity...

Mar 10, 2009 10:22

I've been spending a good amount of time keeping up with the effects of CPSIA.  This is the incredibly, poorly though-out (unbelievable, I know) law passed by Congress last year (that went  into effect this year) banning phthalates and lead over certain limits in products intended for use by children 12 and under and requiring testing for the ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

nmissi March 10 2009, 17:10:04 UTC
I'm surprised more people aren't discussing this bad law on LJ. I mean, we're supposed to be book-loving, literate-type people. Where is the outrage?

I can't help wondering- since I'm not allowed to sell my books or give them away- if Tim or Alex (14 and 13, respectively) loan a book to a younger friend, are they in violation of the law, too? Could I get sued if someone's mama goes, "Gasp! Where did you get this tatty copy of Robert Heinlein! There could be lead in this cover!"


hazel75 March 10 2009, 21:10:21 UTC
I'd figure it's in large part b/c of the lack of coverage in the media -- I heard about it b/c of an email from a friend who makes children's clothes. After I got her email, I dug for quite awhile before finding's coverage. And because of Olson, Forbes has covered it somewhat -- otherwise, it's not like cnn, fox, yahoo, the NYT, etc. has been covering this.

So it's up to you and me (and others like us) to get the word out, I supposed, (which you've been doing better than I) b/c I know my friends' list would be outraged if they knew more about this stupid, moronic, scary law.


hazel75 March 10 2009, 21:11:35 UTC
And, yeah, I guess your kids would be in violation of the law -- if I remember correctly, distribution is the word used and loaning a book would constitute distribution, I would think.


laurashalo March 11 2009, 02:19:17 UTC
They may be book-loving, but just like the media, they aren't administration-criticizing.

I have a lovely copy of Grimms' Fairy Tales that was published sometime in the early 40's as it was my mother's when she was little and she gave it to me. The illustrations and cover art are lovely. I supposed I should just pitch it as it is so dangerous? *sigh*


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