Title: The Consequences of having Kuu and Cookie Author: hazel2883 Genre: Romance/Fluff Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke X Shida Mirai Teaser: *not available* *grins*
i'll be sure to read all your YamaShii fics!!! since i only know 2 author who wrote that pairing! (u and Macy-chan!) **hugs u back!**
YUP!! YUP!!! i've image that thousand of times in my head!! i really have to wait for Conan to be Shinichi again and have HAPPY ENDING WITH RAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uwaaa~~ Imotou-Chan I luv this so much,., this is definitely sweet,., especially the last part.,. Kyaaa~~~ OMG,., I can't stop screaming,., I can clearly imagined the scene,., Great Job Hazel Chan,., b(^_^)d
Hazelchan this is such a heart stopping,breath taking, kilig to the bones fic! uwaaaaaaahhhhhh...Arigatou! I'm still waiting for the sequel of My Arrogant Prince! Ganbare hazelchan!
Am I the first? :) OH MY GAD. *insert cuss here* my heart. My poor heart can only take that much fluff. Omg. Huhu. This is just so cute, and sweet. Ants are all over this entry! @.@ :))
Mirai. Yamada. Cookie and Kuu, ohoho. I love it so much! 10000 thumbs up!
Comments 24
finally another flufffffyyyyy Yamashiiii fic!!!!!!!!
i'm ssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooo happy~!!!!!
good job AJ!!! d(^O^)b
**conan blush too! imagine Ran proposed to him like that! LOL
hope you like it :D
*virtual hugs* mwahhhh mwahhhh. xD
Ran proposing to Shinichi ish LOOOOOVE!!!
I imagine him blushing like a tomato. ahaha x
I hope I'll have the time to write one for them... :D
**hugs u back!**
YUP!! YUP!!! i've image that thousand of times in my head!!
i really have to wait for Conan to be Shinichi again and have HAPPY ENDING WITH RAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I luv this so much,.,
this is definitely sweet,.,
especially the last part.,.
OMG,., I can't stop screaming,.,
I can clearly imagined the scene,.,
Great Job Hazel Chan,.,
thanks for reading again...
I owe you big big HUGS**
hope you like it... :D
your comments always makes me happy xx
~~ Hope I'll have more time to write another one... I seriously miss writing YamaShi >/////<
I miss youuuu :D
you're welcome,.,
*I'll give you a super big hugs then*
of course I am,., it was romantic,.,
I'm glad if you feel happy Hazel-Chan,., (>_<)
just write it then,., b.coz I miss to read your YamaShii fics also,., (^_^)v
you made my day Irene-chan... LOL
I love you already for reading my fics...
Thanks very much... *HUGS****
OH MY GAD. *insert cuss here* my heart. My poor heart can only take that much fluff. Omg. Huhu. This is just so cute, and sweet. Ants are all over this entry! @.@ :))
Mirai. Yamada. Cookie and Kuu, ohoho. I love it so much! 10000 thumbs up!
This is like the nth time I read your comment. :D
So glad you like it~~ xD
1000 thumbs up? TOO MUCH Fingers!!! LOL xD
Thanks for reading Yuri-chan... *HUGS*
>> gonna think of a goof plot for you and Inoo... ahaha x
both Ryosuke and Mirai are jealous with the dogs.
love this fic! <3
you made me happy.
I hope you like it... :D
*hug you back*
I'll add you as a friend ne? hope you don't mind?
I'll stalk your LJ. hohoho~~ xD
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