I need entertaining so I stole this

Jul 12, 2005 07:35

...from reblog

Why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself? Any old thing at all. Just so the next time I see your name I can say: "Ah, there's so and so... she likes office supplies."

I'd love it if every single person who friended me would do this. Yes, even you people who I know really well. Then post this in your own

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Comments 18

cerulgalactus July 11 2005, 14:36:28 UTC
My thumbs and some of my fingers are double jointed.
I am watching The Simpsons right now.
I enjoy tea.


hayesdaze July 11 2005, 14:47:42 UTC
Favourite Simpsons episode ever??? Umm... I'm trying to think... I think I like the one with when Homer jumps with Chocolate bunnies best, (but if I could remember more I'm sure that would change, I'm having a mental blank at the moment). The one that made me cry was when Lisa was really sad and she went and played with Bleeding Gums Murphy on the bridge. OH and the one where Lisa and Bart are on opposing hockey teams.
You must try milk and cookies tea... it's a treat.


cerulgalactus July 11 2005, 14:51:52 UTC
My favorite ep is the one where Homer becomes the union kingpin.

Oooh, milk and cookie tea - I shall look for it, but for now, its licorice tea for me.


hayesdaze July 11 2005, 14:55:21 UTC
Ohh... licorice tea. That sounds superb. I have a thing for licorice bullets at the moment. Do you think it's too early to eat some. Maybe I should wait a bit.


schnoo July 11 2005, 14:38:13 UTC
I'm Jen.
I'm living in London until the end of the month.
I wish Newtown had a beach so it was the PERFECT suburb.
I'm getting married next April.
My fiance is profoundly deaf.
I love colours - stationery and badges, especially.




hayesdaze July 11 2005, 14:56:50 UTC
Pleased to meet you Jen. Are you coming back to Newtown after the end of the month. I suspect you're from there (or around there).


schnoo July 12 2005, 11:04:03 UTC
I'm heading back to Sydney, but will be living in Dee Why. I've never actually had the chance to live in Newtown (Chippendale was as close as I got) but LOVE it there.


indriya July 11 2005, 15:39:48 UTC
David is making me porridge for breakfast, YAY.
My fingers are so cold, I'm surprised I'm not typing complete jibberish.
I need to exercise more - then I'll have improved circulation, and be able to open all jars and bottles again (rockclimbing muscles = invincible!)
I think I'll have a cup of caramel tea with my porridge.
We should have breakfast together in Newtown sometime.


hayesdaze July 11 2005, 19:13:26 UTC
ohhh... caramel tea - yay someone else has discovered it's goodness. You should try milk and cookies tea though too. Choc Orange Tea is OK - it smells more like a jaffa than it tastes like one.
Indeed metting up for breakfast in Newtown sounds like a good idea. I am a tad busy this weekend but possibly the weekend after if that's convenient. Or I actually have the 19th off work - don't suppose you're free then at all. If not, we can arrange another time. I also finally have work to do... yay!


indriya July 11 2005, 21:17:24 UTC
I probably should have written "next time I'm in Sydney we should have breakfast together in Newtown (sometime)". Um... I'll probably visit my Dad sometime later in the year... breakfast then, perhaps!


hayesdaze July 12 2005, 14:32:33 UTC
ahh.. that may make it easier. For some reason I had it in my head that you lived round there.


reblog July 11 2005, 19:08:40 UTC
pulling themes from all the above thus far ...
- my thumbs and little fingers are double jointed.
- i'm moving to enmore in a few months.
- i recently discovered that porridge with golden syrup is omg the best thing ever.
- even though when i got to duffy's house the cardboardy taste of soy milk was disgusting, i now, despite still technically allowing myself to eat dairy, put soy milk on my cereal because i like the taste of cereal-and-soy-milk so much now.
- on saturday tania is taking me cross-country skiing. i've never been skiing, and aside from the cold, i'm concerned i'll die of respiratory arrest within the first hour.
- i'm going to matthew and berns in a couple of weeks time, and intend to say hello to you there.


hayesdaze July 11 2005, 19:17:12 UTC
Yay for moving to enmore... that will be near me. I have only been ever able to stomach semolina (sp?) type porridge... brown sugar is pretty good on it too (although probably quite similar to golden syrup).
-Soy milk is unusual. I had a lactose problem for a bit and it just tasted like it had nuts in it. I preferred lactose free, but now I can have real milk anyway.
I'm sure you won't die of respiratory arrest. Skiing scares me.. not that I can do it now anyway. I've only ever done grass skiing and the slope was so not a slope - it was just horizontal - not quite worth the effort really.
Yay for you coming to Berns and matthew. I shall see you there:)
And now I better get back to some of this work I must do - finally got some - yay!


anonymous August 24 2005, 06:57:14 UTC
i am tired. i am on a health kick again.
i am excited. my best friend flies in tonight.
i like camels.
i like the ocean.
i like travelling places.


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