Well, having slipped out of fandom via the backdoor, I took a rather definite step and deleted the first 7 seasons of SPN episodes off my hard drive. I haven't actually watched S8 or 9 properly yet. Plus I own 1 - 7 on DVD. It was kind of sad as it is more a statement that there won't be any more fandom shenanigans from here on in. That's it, no
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Comments 13
But I hear you. I can't remember what the last episode was that I actually watched on SPN. I think even Andy has watched a whole season I haven't seen yet.
Ohh, yes, Teen Wolf. But I didn't get as much into The 100 as I thought I would and I actually dropped it :D TWD is still going strong though.
Hope to see you again soon!!!! *hugs*
Anyway, I hope you're well and here are some massive hugs until the next time xx
I'm not doing too bad, thanks :) *hugs you tightly*
I'm still hanging in there - believe it or not. I don't think I'll ever be able to let the show go. Even when it becomes extremely frustrating (like S8 & S9 did). But - they're just do darn cute...
Nice to know you're sticking with SPN :) As I hadn't watched much more than the premiere of S8 I only watched 2 eps in S9... the one with Sonny and his home for tearaways lol and then the finale. So i'll probably be checking in on it to see how that goes ;) but I just can't seem to care enough to sit and watch it properly, partly to do with me and my time as well, always seem to be working at the mo :)
Seems a lot of the old names I started out with have kind of fallen along the way. I was looking through my flist and most of it's community stuff so it helps me not feel super bad that actually others are missing too.
Anyway, big hugs for ya and if there's ever another Round Robin vid from Starry that requires like 10 seconds of vidding I'll be there! LOL
There are a few other shows I've enjoyed, I loved Breaking Bad and Dexter. I do watch the Walking Dead but I don't HAVE to watch it, so if I miss a few episodes I don't mind. I've never got into Teen Wolf though, but I'm glad you have some shows that you still love.
Hope to see you around now and again though.
Also, yes.yes.yes to TWD. It's killing me that we still have to wait 2 more months. Ughhhh.
*hugs* Hope everything is good with you, too. x
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