Hawthorn & Vine is switching hosts. Our new home will give us a lot more breathing room on all counts, and we see the move as being necessary for a more stable archive future. We're well aware that this knowledge might inspire some nerves given the event that killed CG, so we'd like to inform all of you that our tech team has complete access to all things that must be transferred. The transition should go smoothly. No information will be lost, the domain name will remain the same, and we'll be good to go in about three days.
However, while we are transferring everything over, H&V will be in maintenance mode. You will not be able to read, review, submit, etc during August 1 - 3rd. We'll keep all of you updated here and on
Twitter (those without accounts at either place will still be able to read the information there). It might take less time than that, or it might take a day more, but we'll definitely be back in just a few days. You can also email the admins at: hawthornandvine(at)gmail(dot)com
If you have any questions, issues, or concerns, feel free to contact us. An early thank you for your patience!