Title: A Sudden Understanding
les342Characters: Steve, Grace
Word count: 300
Prompt: Parenthood
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Spoilers: None
Summary: Though Steve's always known Danny loves his daughter, he's never truly understood until now.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or anything else associated with Hawaii 5-0. No infringement is intended and no money is made.
The accident had happened fast. One second they were chasing a suspect, the next a truck came out of nowhere, hitting the passenger side of their car where Danny sat.
That had been hours ago. Now there is nothing to do but wait. Steve paces anxiously, hoping for news of his partner. The others had gone to the hospital cafeteria for something to eat, except Grace. When Rachel tried to get her to go with them, the girl had refused. She isn't going anywhere until she knows how her dad is doing.
Unable to stay still Steve continues his path from one side of the room to the other. The sound of Danny's scream echoes through his mind, the only thing he remembers clearly about the crash. Stopping at the far side of the room he closes his eyes as he runs his hands trough his hair, trying to steady himself.
At the sound of her voice Steve is pulled from his thoughts. He turns to where Grace is sitting on the couch, staring at him with eyes rimmed red from crying. Even worse is the fear he sees there as well. Forgetting his own worry, he hurries over and sits next to her. "Hey, Gracie. It's late. Why aren't you sleeping?"
"I can't. I'm scared." Grace reaches out and wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "What if Dad... what if he dies."
Steve pulls her close as she cries again, his heart breaking. Though he's always known Danny loves his daughter, he's never truly understood until now. He thinks this is what being a father is like. He would do anything to help take away her pain, but he knows he can't. Instead he holds her as the tears fall, his own and hers.