Thank you, Nea and Lizbet. This one's your fault. *thbbpt* All previous mini!SG stories are
here. There's primarily a Daniel/Janet slant to the stories. Feedback is much, much appreciated and will be read and giggled over gleefuly by me.
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Comments 36
ba-dump ching. :)
I like that one.
You know, it occurred to me today that I watch entirely too much TV. :) Ah, well, may as well enjoy the maternity leave while it lasts.
*g* I wanna see Sam's face, too.
Very good. More please.
Daniel gave Janet a confused look. "Cassie has two mommies? I don't get it. I mean, I understand what you're saying on one level, in that there's you and the other Janet, but I'm not really clear on what else--"
"This isn't the first time there have been rumors that Sam and I are lesbians," said Janet.
*Much* chortling over one of the SG-1 fanon tropes here. And the girl's locker room thing. And the relief of Daniel at not being forced to shop. Heh. Not to mention waking up Sam with this kind of surprise.
Also? Loved the second part of the date. It's fun to watch MiniJanet trying to adjust her outlook when she's mostly pissed, but also happy to be dating Daniel. The contrast is just a riot.
*snicker* Mini!Janet is just so damn evil this time around. I think my tendency towards evilfic is--at least this time around--being channeled into Butterfly-safe methods of evilness. (I first typed "methos of evilness." *blink* *blink*) And I'm glad they're finally readable by you! :)
Also? Loved the second part of the date. It's fun to watch MiniJanet trying to adjust her outlook when she's mostly pissed, but also happy to be dating Daniel. The contrast is just a riot.
*giggle* Thank you. It's going to be great when he figures out he can derail the start of a rant by kissing her. *eg*
"All right," said Janet. "But only because I can't wait to see the look on her face when she opens her bedroom door and sees you."
Oh yeah. My favourite line, as well. Evil!Janet is my favourite thing ever now.
Yay! *giggle* So, so very glad you like her! And, by extension, my writing. :)
So, where do you archive your writing? Because I do believe I've only read your ficathon entry, and I'd like to read more. The ficathon entry was very good.
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