Subdued (Teyla Emmagan/Michael Kenmore) [PG]

Mar 24, 2008 14:45

Title: Subdued
Author: havocthecat
Pairing: Teyla Emmagan/Michael Emmagan
Rating: PG
Summary: Michael is on Atlantis as a prisoner for the third time.
Author's Notes: Originally written for the sg_rarepairings 2008 fic battle, for the prompt "broken."


They capture him once more. They restrain him and inject him. Carson has spent time with Michael. He's studied the notes of his other self. This time, Michael won't revert, but his memory is intact. He knows too much.

He's a prisoner on Atlantis. Teyla comes to observe him sometimes. They do not speak.

Thanks to Michael, her child is hidden even from her so that he may remain safe from the Wraith. She lays awake at night and aches to hold her son.

It is Michael who finally breaks their silence. "Of all the Lanteans, I hate only you," he says.

She meets his gaze. She does not fear Michael. Not now. "I am aware of that."

"Some day I will be free of this place," he says. His voice is deep. It reminds her of the Wraith he once was. "Then I will end your life."

"Or perhaps I will end yours," she tells him. The thought does not satisfy her. Too much has happened. She is so very tired of war and death.

"Did you know this would happen when you took me to your bed?" he asks.

The memory of his body moving against hers is something Teyla wishes very much she could forget. She had once thought there might be more than that. She has spent many hours since regretting that one night.

"I thought, at one time, that there could be a new beginning for us," says Teyla. The look that enters Michael's gaze reminds her of the way he once looked at her. "I have paid the price for that many times over."

She turns and leaves. She need not look back.

fanfic, fanfic atlantis, fanfic het

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