I’m happy, really really happy. Criminal Intent is getting even closer. Unbelievable, only Friday, Saturday, Sunday… …I hope I’ll have Rispetto Monday to enjoy.
Only one more week! Question: What is it like getting to work with Kathryn again?
Vincent D'Onofrio: She's great. She's great. We work very well together and I'm in my dressing room but in the studio right now we've been working together since this morning and just truly at ease with each other, been doing it for a very long time. I knew her before we
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Outlook: 1) 4 Sneak Peeks of Rispetto found on spoilertv 2) More prize packs to win 3) Interviews with Vincent (&Dick Wolf) 4) On set pictures of Cadaver posted on EinsteinMed
I hadn't expected that Alba and Cholo would block me so much. I’m not really satisfied with every icon, but I'm happy about my dance step thought for the AC batch. Enjoy: