Happy birthday Lisa!!!

Nov 09, 2011 23:49

My dearest raggedy_edge has a birthday in just a few days. Since I can't be with her and the girls to celebrate and party the weekend away, I'm posting her presents early! Le gasp! I hope you enjoy them, darlin'. I miss your face~~ ♥ ♥ ♥

GreekGodsAU, Lee/authors choice, the only easy day was yesterday (PG, some angst) )

presents, x-men:first class, avengers, i blame lisa, writing, 3 sentence prompts, goth!boys, apollo!au, firefly - rps, fic, happy birthday

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Comments 1

darling_lisa November 10 2011, 14:50:40 UTC
*flails and loves and flails some more*

Thank you darlin, these are fantastic and I love them!!

Gods, Lee.. you just kill me. I might have to bribe you after I get back from Vegas for Psyche's story.

*cuddles Tyrion and Echo and everyone in Firefly 'verse*

Also? This line So frail, but when Tony presses his lips against Steve's temple when they're curled together in bed, it feels like strength. Just... *loves*

Miss your face!! ♥ ♥ ♥


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