Fic: RPS: The Third Murder (1/1)

Jul 30, 2011 02:29

Title: The Third Murder
Author: Havenward
Fandom: RPS (noir!au)
Pairing: Kane/Hodge, former Kane/Barrowman
Rating: NC17 (sexuality, referenced violence)
Words: 10,742
Note: For the fabulously patient elebridith, who does enjoy bribing me. Follows Trouble is a Trusted Friend... There is an overarching plot, and some things will make more sense having read ( Read more... )

the third murder, noir!au, fic, writing, rps

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Comments 13

yanzadracan July 30 2011, 14:25:17 UTC
No Fair! Leaving us hanging like that. Hope there's going to be further adventures of Kane, PI.


havenward July 30 2011, 21:17:28 UTC
:g: Well, I can't give you too much all at once, can I? It might take me a little bit to plot out the next one too, but it's coming, promise. :)


yanzadracan July 30 2011, 21:41:23 UTC


jesco0307 August 1 2011, 08:24:34 UTC
Wait, what? No stopping here, that's not fair.

I had to go back and read the other one again, I totally forgot I read it before. It's really exciting, it plays like a movie in my head, lol.

You're writing more of this, right? Please?


havenward August 1 2011, 08:57:07 UTC
I will be writing more of this... especially since I suspect at some point Ele plans on bribing me some more. :g: I have a vague idea about the next part, but it needs some serious planning and I have one fic I need to try and finish off first (plus actually put some work in on my novel). But have no fear... I'm having a lot of fun writing this, and will write more when I'm able. ♥

It's really exciting, it plays like a movie in my head, lol.
You have no idea how really, really pleased this makes me! :beams and twirls you:


elebridith August 2 2011, 16:42:57 UTC
I love you. Love this. This is like Chandler meets Butcher. I laughed out loud when you mentioned that Kane has a hat... *g*

Jesus. That first scene with Aldis? *swoon* Hot and tender, love it! Ad oh Kane, you're already in it over your head with the kid...

Nice casting with McGregor. Flirting and mischievous, indeed. *g* And John has some elements of Jack Harkness the Con Man, right? Awesome. Um, when I bribe you further, could you not kill him please? *puppyeyes*

And yes, it's like a movie in my head. In black and white. :-) There will be more bribe, I'm sure. This is too good to end!!

*draws hearts*


havenward August 2 2011, 21:20:34 UTC
:beams lots:

Hey, Kane had a hat in the first one! I think that was one of the requested lines to be included no less, lol.

Elements of Jack? I don't know what you mean... :shifty eyes: I can't make promises about his continued survival, however I will say that I don't tend toward killing characters off in general, and that if he did die... Well, hm. Maybe I shouldn't say that part... Anyway, I don't intend for him to die, but characters don't listen to me...

♥ ♥ ♥

Just give me a little time to work off Amara's porn, and to poke the novel a bit. :D


elebridith August 3 2011, 06:50:21 UTC
I love the hat! I just had to think about Harry D. and how he hates hats but is always drawn with one. *g*

As for John... Moti will do it right. *nods* And she can take her time. I have just bribed Amara for Lindsey/Ronon. :-)


shanachie_quill August 5 2011, 17:48:46 UTC
Please may we have some moar? I can't believe you ended it there! Very good though! I enjoyed it a ton!


havenward August 8 2011, 00:20:50 UTC
LOL, of course I ended it there! It had to stop somewhere, and if I kept going it would be the next story! :)


shanachie_quill August 30 2011, 19:25:03 UTC
*pouts* Well all right. I get that.


honeyjojames August 8 2011, 17:26:53 UTC
Sorry it's taken me so long to get to this - I think LJ has been plotting against me. Every time I've had the time to read it, LJ has only loaded a blank page. Every time I've been in a rush, LJ has loaded perfectly! *headdesk*
Anyway, it was worth the wait! That was brilliant! And yes, more is needed! Very, very needed!


havenward August 9 2011, 05:21:58 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

I'm glad you got to enjoy it, bb. :hugs:


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