Happy birthday to me~~

May 05, 2011 17:19

Also, Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I think mother nature is trying to give me a present too... No, mother nature, I do not like your idea of celebrating...

IN ANY CASE. Take a look see at my schwag:( After the jump, cos I'm nice. )

life, birthday

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Comments 13

lucdarling May 5 2011, 22:24:28 UTC
The photos aren't showing up, bb.
But a very merry, happy birthday to youuu!! ♥
Will this be another fishbowl margarita? :)


havenward May 5 2011, 22:25:57 UTC
Seriously? I can see them... :frowns lots: Both in my email and on the entry.

But yes, yes it's the fishbowl. :D


havenward May 5 2011, 22:29:21 UTC
Can you view them now?


sylk May 5 2011, 22:39:41 UTC
I can see them, at least.


earthquakedream May 5 2011, 22:51:06 UTC
YAY PRESENTS! Of course you got new chucks. <3

Happy birthday, you lovely girl. ♥ I hope you have a great day!


havenward May 6 2011, 20:20:48 UTC


sgfansean May 6 2011, 00:18:28 UTC
I can't see the pictures either and I have both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Happy Birthday and Happy Cinco De Mayo. I'm glad that you're having such a good day. Well as it should be.



havenward May 6 2011, 20:21:07 UTC
Thanks! ♥


honeyjojames May 6 2011, 00:53:00 UTC
Pics not showing for me either, but have seen them on Twitter! The new chucks are AWESOME! *is jealous*
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day! *squishes*


havenward May 6 2011, 20:21:29 UTC
They're so cool!!! :loves: ♥♥♥


chatona May 6 2011, 08:23:22 UTC
I see no pictures, but if they're on twitter I suppose I'll see them there. And:



havenward May 6 2011, 20:21:41 UTC
Thank you kitten! ♥♥♥


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