Happy birthday Wench & Lucdarling!

Apr 20, 2011 00:05

Happy Birthday my lovelies! I'm late for one of you (sorry ladywinchester!!) but I'm actually early for the other! (Woo, luc_darling!) It's been great getting to know you, and I hope that this year can only treat you better and lead you to greater places. ♥

Without further ado~

For ladywinchester:
X-Men/Leverage/SPN, Remy/Eliot/Dean, don' look at me, t'ain't what I 'ad in mind (PG13) )

white collar, presents, brothers!au, writing, sherlock, 3 sentence prompts, justified, inception, apollo!au, supernatural, castle, fic, leverage, happy birthday, wolverine

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Comments 8

*flying tackle hug* ladywinchester April 20 2011, 07:39:35 UTC
I LOVE IT BABY!!!!!!! Thanks you so much lovely!!!


lucdarling April 20 2011, 11:51:48 UTC
Oh, this is the best thing to wake up to!

Tim huffs out a laugh, crossing his arms, and says, "Oh, no, this is definitely in your top ten, boy." I laughed. You nail his voice so. well. ♥

& now I want yet more of Neal & Alexis aaaand whatever situation Raylan's tangled up in that has the youngest Castle using her words. (mention of Art! Yay!)

Ooh, the Sherlock snippet is exactly what I wanted.

I love your descriptions, Matt's faux-wounded pride but "boundless self confidence". Of course he'd be able to talk Morpheus into something. & him smiling means good dreams! :D

Flapping hands over the Inception OT3... over all of it, to be honest. Thank you very much for the early present.


havenward April 20 2011, 19:27:54 UTC
You're very welcome! ♥

My original thoughts with the OT3 were something else, and Eames totally just laughed at me. A lot. And then that happened, lol. What can I say, the man has good taste.

Neal insists he isn't sad so nothing else needs to be written. ...Uh-huh, sure.

I'm really, really glad you liked Sherlock. He was the hardest, I think, because I wanted to capture his annoyance without making it trite and too supercilious....

♥ ♥


canadiangoddess April 20 2011, 15:33:25 UTC
Okay you HAD to know I would be all <3 <3 <3 about those last prompts...Morpheous!Benedict...Sherlock!!!!!...and my Inception OT3...



havenward April 20 2011, 19:28:36 UTC
The thought may or may not have occurred to me. ;)

♥ Thank you~


honeyjojames April 21 2011, 23:16:51 UTC


havenward April 22 2011, 04:45:43 UTC
:snuggles and misses: I hope you're doing well bb. ♥


elebridith April 24 2011, 19:33:58 UTC
O...Olyphant and Kitsch as brothers? Oh my God. *thud*


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