Happy (belated) birthday Koryou and Elebridith!

Mar 16, 2011 00:52

Happy (totally late I'm so sorry) birthday my lovelies! It's been wonderful getting to know you two. Our random conversations (and being up too late, oops?) have been a highlight in my day. I love you guys. ♥

We'll start with koryou, who wanted all of hers to be parts of a conversation between Clay (The Losers) and Lestrade (Sherlock). :)

1. Genius and Madness (PG) )

presents, writing, sherlock, 3 sentence prompts, elsewhere, idealists dreamers thieves, i love my flist, kane rps, waiter!au, fic, leverage, losers, happy birthday

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Comments 9

elebridith March 16 2011, 08:51:01 UTC
*SQUEAKS and flails happily*
Oh, poor Hardison! And I can so see Jayne munching! *lol*

Heeheee, drunk!adorable!flaily Steve!!!

Spicy. *drools*

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! Oh God yes. Awesome!


*loves you*


havenward March 16 2011, 08:58:10 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥


(The comment has been removed)

havenward March 16 2011, 20:44:41 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥


lucdarling March 16 2011, 12:09:52 UTC
best prompt EVER with "trust your sociopath, he knows what he's doing"
with an expression like he may make an offer YES.
& Hardison babbling about the White Queen cracked me up.


havenward March 16 2011, 20:46:11 UTC
:giggles: Thanks :D


canadiangoddess March 16 2011, 15:02:47 UTC
As always...anything and everything that comes out of your brain is made of win with a side of sparkly squee.


<3 <3 <3


havenward March 16 2011, 20:49:16 UTC
:beams: Thanks darlin'. ♥


honeyjojames March 16 2011, 17:23:09 UTC
*giggles* Mmmm, pretties! ♥


havenward March 16 2011, 20:49:36 UTC
:snuggles you to bits:


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