The super late Christmas present ficlets post of doom (part 1)

Feb 15, 2011 05:49

Ok, guys, I finally got everything done! :falls over: I know this is ridiculously late and I appreciate your patience (and hope that it isn't just apathy...). Ficlets are posted by user in the order they were received. The cut tag has the prompt and the rating.

So, without further ado... Enjoy!

Dollhouse/Angel, Echo!Faith/Topher, Creating/Imprinting Faith persona (PG) )

presents, angel, firefly, doctor who, love song - rescue 77, justified, burn notice, kane rps, castle, christmas, leverage, white collar, dollhouse, sherlock, 3 sentence prompts, inception, alice-leverage, goth!boys, dresden files, supernatural, fic, waiter!au, wolverine

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Comments 13

lucdarling February 15 2011, 16:18:24 UTC
*flaily hands over Alice!Parker & dream sharing* then I was :( over Zoe & the Doctor (& Wash) but I totally want to watch that poker game. & definitely want more of this Raylan+Alexis idea. ♥

Eliot & Hardison watching The Losers: ahahahaha. The same reaction goes for Harry + Remy too. :)
Awww father+daughter night out! So sweeet. and the bet that Castle lost; of course he did.
"fangirls more dogged than assassins" and then Roque's line! ROFL


havenward February 15 2011, 22:21:51 UTC


elebridith February 15 2011, 21:05:16 UTC
*flails for Eliot*
Lindsey and the Inception crew, eh? Oooooh...
And oth!boys, and waiter and and and...
AND MINE!!! *loves and draws hearts* Perfect! *smishes*


havenward February 15 2011, 22:24:22 UTC
♥ ♥

Though Linds wasn't so much hiring the Inception crew as just Arthur. Arthur has a certain sort of reputation in my head... Though I'm not entirely sure he grasps the enormity of Evil Inc insofar as who he's working for. Unless he's working just for Lindsey personally.... :eyes Arthur, who for the moment ignores me:


earthquakedream February 16 2011, 02:54:59 UTC
HAHA JENSEN MANIPS J2. Oh my god. Oh god dying.

And the Neal+Jensen one makes me want MORE OF THAT STORY. ffffff you're such a tease <333


havenward February 16 2011, 03:01:21 UTC
I am in fact, such a tease. But, y'know, I do always take bribes. If ever you were really jonesing for it. ;)

And yes. YES. The thought occurred to me and Jensen turned so red it was impossible not to. It gave me the giggles writing it. :D


earthquakedream February 16 2011, 03:08:03 UTC
Ummm I will bribe you with something awesome. Like. I DON'T KNOW um. fic? Do you want fic in exchange for fic? I will do that.

(ps enjoy white collar tonight, i am skipping to do homework oh god homework why)


havenward February 16 2011, 03:22:21 UTC
There is no White Collar tonight! It's the kennel show thingamajigger. :)

I'm bribeable with fic, or art, or... other things :cough$cough: I'm very flexible that way. ;) I've got a bit of a queue at the moment (omg my writing is so behind right now ;_; ) but get back to me at the end of the month with what you want to do, and stuff like how many words you want and anything prompt like and possible pairings and stuff. ♥


deralte February 16 2011, 17:14:28 UTC
I like the Neal's superpower one and want more *pouts*


havenward February 16 2011, 18:07:59 UTC
Well, I was kinda cheating. It's already his power, super or not...


deralte February 16 2011, 18:29:02 UTC
True. I'm just a sucker for superpower AUs, especially one's set in pseudo X-men universes. There's a House one where Magneto's wave of xgene actually succeeded and everyone develops powers that hits all my buttons *sigh*


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