Happy (belated) birthday Shanachie_quill!!

Sep 20, 2010 04:24

Happy birthday, shanachie_quill! I hope you enjoy them, and that this next year is better than the last. :)

The usual song and dance - prompt and rating/warnings in the cuts.

Love Song/Rescue 77, Billy/Wick, singing in the rain (PG - could maybe be interpreted as following 'the call' below) )

presents, writing, 3 sentence prompts, i love my flist, supernatural, kane rps, waiter!au, fic, leverage, happy birthday

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Comments 8

yanzadracan September 20 2010, 14:10:57 UTC
*sigh* Love these.


havenward September 20 2010, 18:54:21 UTC


shanachie_quill September 20 2010, 14:45:00 UTC
*flails* OMG thank you! I love them all.

Dean made me whimper with the gun and the horror movie...oh Dean...yeah I can totally see that happening.

All the Billy/Wick ones too sweet and perfect. Just the right blend of guyness and romanticism.

Aw Christian being sweet and awkward inviting Steve home. That was perfect.

And Parker and Eliot...I loved that! *giggles* How easily he's able to read her that was awesome!

*huggles Parker* poor girl, but I love her reading on family and all. It's nice to see that even she's beginning to understand it's wrong but she still loves them. It was perfect.

Thanks again! I LOVE them! *bookmarks for later reading again and again*


havenward September 20 2010, 18:54:37 UTC
:giggles: Glad you enjoyed them hon. :D


canadiangoddess September 20 2010, 14:48:16 UTC
I LOVE that I'm not the only person prompting Waiter!AU...and uh...stuttering Christian? HUGE kink of mine. Just sayin.

And the Leverage ones were WIN as usual

Will get my prompts to you...today. Yes. Today. *nods*

God I turned into a giant failcake this weekend didn't I?


havenward September 20 2010, 18:53:58 UTC
HUGE kink of mine.
Pretty sure I got that from you (HLF, ftw?) ♥

I've got your email of prompts btw, bb. Hee~


honeyjojames September 20 2010, 16:27:38 UTC
*gleeeeeeeeee* So much Billy/Wick awesomeness! ♥
Thank you so much for these and they weren't even written for me! *loves you*


havenward September 20 2010, 19:15:34 UTC
I ooooowe you, I was glad the prompts came up. ♥


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