30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 21

Jul 15, 2010 17:44

21. Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them?


Boy, that one was easy....... Although ok, fine. I'll talk about the handful of kids I write.

There's the two kids that are actually kids... Kitten and his Stevie. I guess I write them okay? No one's ever complained, anyway, though that doesn't mean a whole lot on the interwebs. Their stuff with vampire is usually shorter, and through the filter of the vampire as the lead, which makes it easier on me. Kids are always smarter than we give them credit for, especially ones as young as they are, and people have the habit of making them sound truly infantile with their speaking patterns. I try to keep that in mind, and I think I do ok at least.

Then there's the de-aged Cajun. Remy was always fun to write because of the dichotomy of his situation. It's a grown man trapped in a child's body, but there's a certain inherent child-like nature that comes attached to the process of what actually happened to him. I always wanted to do a story where Remy has tricked all the girls into giving him snuggles in order to get near boobs, because he has no sex drive physically, but he's still a man in there. Also, learning to cuss in French and Cajun slang (and yeah, I probably sucked at it, but I ran with a Firefly theory so don't hate) amused me. It's really that dissonance of foul words coming from an adorable face...

30 days of writing, meme

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