30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 20 (... Plus a little more pimpage!)

Jul 14, 2010 19:53

Again, thank you so, so much to those of you who have subscribed to David's blog. :D He's put up his second article - Bulk Spices: Heavy on Flavor, Light on Your Wallet. Please be sure to check it out!

20. What are your favorite character interactions to write?

:tips head: I'm not sure entirely what this question is asking me.

If it means what kind of situations... I don't know, anything interesting I guess? I'm willing to try out new things (see the BDSM of goth!boys, or my soon to be posted hard boiled noir-ish story) as well as rely on the steadfast and true oldies but goodies like the first kiss. I suppose it's anything that reveals something about the characters, no matter how small. I'm not sure there's necessarily something I do enough to qualify as a favorite (unless sex counts, although I rarely manage to make it straight porn, there's always a little character development sneaking in). Although I've got a soft spot for my Leverage: Nerd Love -- watching Eliot's generally abrasive personality and Aldis' geekiness butt heads and reveal the tender affection underneath amuses me. Like the zombie one? Oh yeah. That cracked me the hell up writing it. I've got a few more in the pipe line... First up will probably be a Back to the Future reference that started life as a comment fic that just needs a little fleshing out....

PS: Noir is done! Just need it run through a beta and a title... And I've finally got a full plot for Dragon's. Soooooon. Bwahahaha... If I have a good writing night I might give you word meters later...

30 days of writing, meme, nerd love

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