30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 18

Jul 12, 2010 20:26

18. Favorite antagonist and why!

Do I have antagonists? :ponders: I mean, I know I have antagonists in my original stuff. There's the one that's really slimy and needs rehauling in Strays because I might be tweaking the plot. There's the one I like more because of how much of a bastard he is in steampunk, but I can't talk about him because then I might be giving Lisa clues. (I can feel her blowing raspberries at me all over again...)

In fanfic though... Hm. Sterling, I think, in steampunk!Leverage. Lord Blackpoole is the villain, I suppose, or tries plenty hard, but it's really Sterling that gives the team problems. Not that I've written enough of this. All I can say is airship battles for the win. And figuring out how to track Leverage despite Hardison's clever concealment tactics. And, y'know, generally being a clever bastard that's friends with and hires some pretty damn ruthless pirates. Yeah... He's probably my favorite.

30 days of writing, meme

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