30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 12

Jul 05, 2010 21:23

Before we get started, I'd just like to mention that a night filled with rum, Kentucky bourbon that'd put hair on Eliot and Raylan's chests, and vodka mixers, all with cider flowing in the meantime? Not good to follow up with Rumplemintz in the wee hours of the morning. The 4th of July was awesome (mortars and 20 individual complaints that had the end of the mortars taken away included), but not so much with the 5th...


12. In what story did you feel you did the best job of worldbuilding? Any side-notes on it you'd like to share?

The over all answer is going to be my original steampunk, hands down and away. And no, you don't get any notes about it, lol. Of course, I haven't actually gotten to writing all the best bits of world building, not yet, but I'm pretty well satisfied with the world as it exists in my minds eye.

In terms of fic that I'm working on but hasn't necessarily been posted yet, noir!rps. With a few tweaks for voicing that'll be made in the edits, I'm pretty confident in the flavor and the cameos and yes. In terms of side notes... hm. I think I'm looking forward to the day someone bribes me for more and I get to play around with Hutton and his club some. They don't get much screen time in this story, which is a shame, really...

In terms of fic that has already been posted... :taps lips: Steampunk!Leverage I think. I really like the way I tied in steampunk elements and a somewhat historical (with great liberties of course) setting while still maintaining the structure and characterization of the team, that I converted the offices to a ship... I think possibly when its turn comes round again for the rotation I really ought to finish the Lord Blackpoole arc. Like give it a solid multi-part story. Tidbits are nice but it's a gorgeous world of corsets and harnesses and guns and zeppelins and thieves and intrigue and yeah, it deserves more than I'm giving it.

30 days of writing, meme

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