30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 11

Jul 04, 2010 16:21

11. Who is your favorite character to write? Least favorite?

...Are you trying to get me killed? Are you Discord in disguise? Picking favorites, really?

Like I said before, if I didn't enjoy my fandoms, and plots, etc etc I wouldn't be writing them. Each are my favorite in turn, and that's pretty well across the board. Everything takes its turn taking over my brain and everyone gets to whisper (or, uh, shout) in my ear at some point or another. Right now I'm really loving noir!Kane, even if he is a pain in my goddamn ass. (No really, it's another one I'll need bribes for, I'm serious.) There's a soft spot in my heart for my goth!boys. Yes, all of them.

I guess maybe if you wanted to discuss favorites in terms of their... I don't know, core character, you'll see some major repetitions. Eliot Spencer, Kane (no, they're not the same in this context), Carlson, Dean Winchester... They're characters that no matter what AU you put them in, move me...

As for least favorite. There's not going to be a name here, but a large freaking group.

Villains. I suck at villains. Especially if I'm writing RPS. I feel like readers will take me making a particular actor into a villain as a sign of how I internally characterize them, when really, honestly, I just need a goddamn villain. I guess that's why you see a lot of slice of life stuff, or fandoms where there's already villainy types built in.

In my original stuff... well. It's not as much of a problem but they're still a pain in my ass. Especially when I've plotted out the whole thing and I know that someone is a bastard even though they don't seem like a bastard? Or I'm always worried about making them too slimy and despicable...

30 days of writing, meme

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