30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 10

Jul 03, 2010 19:42

10. What are some really weird situations your characters have been in? Everything from serious canon scenes to meme questions counts!

This isn't the easiest question ever to answer... As Lisa put it, "lol well normal for you isn't exactly normal for the rest of the world darlin".

The entire Lounge meme was a little weird. So many Parkers all in one room and intent on taking turns stealing Hatter and Raylan's hats... There was that time that I put Dean Winchester in assless chaps. And ok, I've done worse to Dean but I never finished it so I don't really need to mention turning him into a pet rock do I? Or Dean killing the sparkly vampire and being covered in sparkly gore? I guess Nate finding the White Rabbit on his kitchen counter is a little weird, and, y'know, the mentioned but not explained sex falling through the Rabbit Hole. And there's de-aged Remy LeBeau/de-aged Eliot Spencer -- though to be honest that's not actually weird right? I suppose the entire premise of Kitten+Vampire is weird too, though it's all sweet as hell kidfic. Oh! There's the gothboys prank with the pink fuzz and clapping cymbal monkeys! Hah, that was classic awesomeness.

I guess when I think of weird I think of crack-fic, which I don't really do. The word serious already doesn't mean weird in my head, unless it's a bad weird, in which case it's bad writing and..... yeah.

Oh, I know. How about a little audience participation. You leave a comment and tell me which scene is your favorite "weird" scene I've written. Or hell, your top 5 or something. You don't have to quote it, but the fandom and title and general synopsis would be good. :D

To make it easier, have links to my regular masterlist and my RPS masterlist of stories.

30 days of writing, meme

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