30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 8

Jul 01, 2010 20:22

8. What's your favorite genre to write? To read?

Hmmmmm. Tricky question is tricky. I don't know that I've written enough genres to say my favorite. Steampunk and urban fantasy are probably the top two, assuming you're not counting porn erotica as a genre. Everything I write has sex, so....... Horror's probably subbed to urban fantasy (I'm never quite violent enough, I don't think) and my sci-fi, for the moment, is strongly tied to steampunk elements (see Firefly). But I've got a little post-apocalypticness in the pipeline for eventually, I guess. I suppose most of my stuff would be more romantic dramady? Maybe? Slice of life, more like. :shrugs:

To read though. Ugh. I have such a love hate relationship with reading right now. I like steampunk, urban fantasy, horror, romance if it's got a plot, straight up fantasy, hard sci-fi (oh Robert J Sawyer and Dan Simmons, ilu).... Um. Hm. How would you qualify Chuck Palahniuk? I'm eclectic... when I can get myself to read. I adored Joe Hill's short stories in 20th Century Ghosts. Once upon a time I devoured books like breathing, I'm not sure what happened. I even loved the assigned texts in a lot of lit courses. Dante's Inferno? The Oresteia? Yes please.

It comes down to fascination and curiosity I suppose. Which haven't faded off, that's not it. It's totally a matter of focus, and how I can't seem to when reading anymore. It's annoying. One of these days I just need to tell my muses and everything else to fuck off and lock myself in a room with my Kindle...

30 days of writing, meme

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