Happy birthday luc_darling!!!

Apr 23, 2010 00:31

The fun times roll on with presents for luc_darling. Hope you have a great birthday, hon, it's been fun getting to know you. :D

Insert the usual song and dance regarding ratings and warnings. Wheee!

goth!Ewan/Matt/Lee, not caring what the neighbors think (okay, maybe a little) (NC17) )

presents, writing, 3 sentence prompts, alice-leverage, apollo!au, goth!boys, leverage - justified, kane rps, castle, fic, waiter!au, happy birthday, wolverine

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Comments 6

darling_lisa April 23 2010, 05:42:43 UTC
Do I even have to tell you how much I love these??

Goth boys... oh, you break my heart and also make me want to cuddle you all together under a blankie, lol.

Eliot/Raylan... hot like burning. And :grabby hands:

Apollo!AU.... *flails and flails*

Gorgeous darlin, just gorgeous.


cyphersushi April 23 2010, 06:29:34 UTC
*adores* Lovely bits darling and they all leave me wanting more (not making any demands or requests, just making an observation)

Love how you can put so much feeling in such small bits of fiction - excellent work! That last Justified/Leverage piece was intensly guh-making :)


lucdarling April 23 2010, 12:26:47 UTC
oh my goodness, I cannot stop smiling!! :D

the goth!boys are fantastic HOT; Matt didn't stand a chance about being considerate about the neighbors. but it's sweet he thought about them until he couldn't think anymore. & I'm once again left wondering how much Ewan's bastard of a dad put him through. D: but yay for Lee + Matt taking care of him. As it should be ( ... )


canadiangoddess April 23 2010, 14:56:05 UTC

You gave me Waiter!AU, Apollo!AU, and Leverage/Justified and I LOVES MY HAVEN!!!

*loves all over EVERYTHING*

Also? Jensen = Persephone?? MADE.OF.WIN!!!


honeyjojames April 23 2010, 17:20:18 UTC
Mmmmm, those were lovely! ♥


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