Happy birthday strangecreature!!!

Apr 14, 2010 01:06

These are some birthday prompts for strangecreature. Hope you enjoy them hon!! (Also? I'm personally amused by her phrasing for the third one. I'm just sayin'...)

It's the same song and dance as before - prompt, rating and warnings in the cut tag, and the text below. Since she gave me fewer prompts, a couple of them have multiple sets of 3 sentences. :)

SPN, Sam(/Jessica), prompt: note-taking (PG, s1) )

presents, angel, writing, 3 sentence prompts, supernatural, kane rps, fic, happy birthday

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Comments 5

elebridith April 14 2010, 07:07:28 UTC
Happy Birthday Megan!!

And ungh. Spike/Dean. Gnngh... And *squeak* at Chris/Steve... *wibbles*


honeyjojames April 14 2010, 08:04:33 UTC
Mmmmmmmmm, such lovely words! ♥ Love them all, and oooooh that Lindsey/Angel one... *whimpers*


cyphersushi April 14 2010, 09:32:53 UTC
*purrrrrrrs* Now that was awesome.... *adores*


strangecreature April 14 2010, 16:15:57 UTC
Rawr! Oh, these are good!! Thank you so much for indulging my whims! ♥ (And that's some Lindsey/Angel at its finest, man. Double-rawr!)


havenward April 14 2010, 19:21:50 UTC
:beams: So very glad you enjoyed them hon. ♥


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