fic: Leverage/Firefly: Pool Cues and Darts Are Not Toys (1/1)

Mar 11, 2009 20:03

Title: Pool Cues and Darts Are Not Toys
Author: Havenward
Series: Leverage/Firefly
Pairing: gen
Rating: hard PG13 (language)
Words: 804
Note: A belated gift for the wonderful and amazing elebridith. Part of the Idealists, Dreamers, and Thieves verse. Sort of an interlude between the first part and wherever the verse picks up properly. (Sorry this isn't ( Read more... )

firefly, pool cues and darts are not toys, leverage, fic, writing, idealists dreamers thieves

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Comments 22

canadiangoddess March 12 2009, 16:03:23 UTC
What do I need to toss at you, promise you, or perform in the way of sexual favours to have MUCH more of this verse? Because this crossover isn't one I EVER would have thought of...but it works so brilliantly!!

And Book and Eliot having crossed paths before? Made of WIN!


havenward March 12 2009, 17:18:02 UTC
:giggles and loves you: You don't have to promise anything, I don't think this is gonna go anywhere any time soon. Maybe throw prompts at me every now and again, because I can't seem to come up with a good over arcing plot/job that would bring them together for a good long time.

And poke me. I love this verse to bits but I'm so scatter brained... (and if you look above at my comments with umbralillium you'll see my brain explosion of pairings...)

<3 <3 <3


moirariordan March 13 2009, 04:08:09 UTC
See, that's it. Right there. The only thing Eliot is missing - Firefly-ese. (Is there an official term? Hmm.)

*is still holding out for a Fillion guest star appearance*


havenward March 13 2009, 04:12:19 UTC
Now that he's the lead on Castle I'm not sure how much chance we've got... Maybe if the show doesn't get picked up... But I liked the pilot. Hrmmm.

When you say he's missing it... do you mean on Leverage proper? I'm a little confused heh.


moirariordan March 13 2009, 04:13:44 UTC
When you say he's missing it... do you mean on Leverage proper?

Oh, yeah. I haven't read the rest of this series. Though I will now, damn. :D


darling_lisa March 15 2009, 20:41:03 UTC
Aaaah!! I've had this tab open but stupid work kept me so busy I didn't get a chance to read it until today and now I'm just all huge smiles and stars in my eyes for the idea of someone crossing these 'verses. Love, love, love the casual ease of Eliot putting Jayne down, and his reactions to Book. And dangit! Why don't I have any Firefly icons? (not really anything to do with you, but a girl needs to have these things.... must rectify that.) Anyways... went back and read the bits from earlier and I so can't wait to see where you take this.

::wandering off to poke around the rest of your fic now::


havenward March 15 2009, 20:47:18 UTC
:beams: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Hee~


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